Monday, July 22, 2013

A New Week

Well it’s Monday & VBS is over so I am back to my regular old Monday posts. I don’t know about you all but after lunch yesterday I was exhausted. Once home I found my couch and did not move from it until late last night & that was only to answer the door for the pizza girl. I still had my VBS t shirt on & she questioned me about where I went to church & what VBS we had done. I asked her if she went to church somewhere & she did. She was actually from another county. It is great when a tshirt prompts questions about church.
Yesterday morning was awesome. I thought our kids did a great job performing. I love it anytime the band gets a chance to perform. I know Arlo was nervous but he did great singing. I know the sounds brought joy to God! It was am awesome week.  I know some think a successful VBS comes from how many children were saved & of course, we do want children saved but remember that you have to plant the seed first. I feel like we really planted some seeds at VBS. God will do the sowing. 
This is a new week with new plans but let’s not lose that excitement that was with VBS. We should take that excitement & build on it & get out and continue to invite people to church, show love & share about Jesus. So this Wed. night the children will have devotion & game night. Then Friday night brings the LOCK IN for children kindergarden thru 5th grade. The lock in begins at 7pm. We will eat, play some games, load the van & cars at 8:15 to go to the Sports Zone for a night of olympic style games, leave there at 12:30 & go back to church for movies & popcorn. Pick up will be 7 am. The children need to bring a sleeping bag or cover & a change of clothes. I will need parents to volunteer to help & yes you can sleep on a air mattress… or be like Allison William’s did one year & just bring a real mattress! LOL Don’t sit there & say, “oh no a lock in”, I know how a parents  mind works! I have not had a parent leave yet saying it was a horrible experience & they would never do it again. The parents always have fun! So make plans to come! Just go ahead right now & text me at 256-393-1063 & tell me to count you in that way you don’t have all week to think on it & decide against it! Lol Also, invite some kids!! Let your kids bring friends. Invite someone in your neighborhood or bring your grandkids. I am waiting right now on the texts!
Remember Randy in your prayers as he continues to improve, pray for Allison’s mom, Diane, as she has heart surgery Wed., Sherry Runyans mom is not doing well, keep Brenda Jones & Kathy Tullis in your prayers too. I know the Mayo’s have asked for prayer for today as they apply to have their visa’s extended. I am sure there is others I am missing or don’t know about…. But God does! I hope you have a wonderfully blessed week!
PS spell check is not working so sorry if I have a lot of mistakes!!

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