Monday, November 18, 2013

Woke Up Feeling Blessed

Good morning! In my opinion it just makes the week start better when Sunday is great! The youth did a great job yesterday, my Sunday school class was packed, and a relative rededicated her life to Christ, tons of children in choir practice and a great message and food last night. When you have an awesome Sunday you can’t help but get up with a great feeling on Monday morning. God really blesses us! I hope you all are feeling great today! I am super excited that some of the youth are going to ATL to help with the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. This is such an awesome opportunity for them to participate in missions. I am so proud of those who said they would give up watching the Iron Bowl to go be God’s hands & feet! THANK YOU Arlo & Jennie for giving up your time to make this possible! It looks like we have tons of shoeboxes turned in & I plan on packing those up today & delivering tomorrow. I think it will be great next yr. that we can have some youth come talk to us about what they experienced helping with the boxes & give us some insight as to what goes on. Thank you to all who participated in Operation Christmas Child.
I wanted encourage all who can to come out to church this Friday night, 6 pm and shop with Rooted In Love. This ministry partners with gospel centered fair trade organizations to bring you items such as jewelry, purses and scarves. Come Christmas shop at church. You will take your items home that night, which is great for those who want to get gifts wrapped up and under the tree.  Courtney Jones is hosting this event & any earned hostess benefits are going to be turned around and used for the Disney Mission trip.  If you are unable to attend check out www.rooted then click on store. Make sure you use Courtney at checkout & the shipping cost will be removed.
Now to the kids’ stuff. I have ordered the angel costumes. There were only 2 sizes so I didn’t text anyone to get size info. I ordered some extra of each size. The children will need to wear a white long t-shirt under these robes because they are see thru.  PLEASE, PLEASE get your children listening to the music CD.  If you child has a speaking part please get it memorized. We practice Wed. night 6-7, Sunday during the full hour of preaching (or possibly 1 ½ hours depending on how long winded Joey is that day)lol. I know some of yall think … is he ever going to get finished. We take jabs at each other so ok for me to just come right out and say it. Lol. Anyway, I said we would practice this Sunday but completely forgot that we are having Thanksgiving at moms Sunday so I can’t make it. Ashley Fortenberry graciously said she would lead the music. Please send me a text and let me know whose children plan on being there, 3-5. I would like for a few moms or dads to stay with Ashley because just not safe for 1 woman and a lot of kids to be in an empty church alone. If you can help out please let me know. Then Wed. November 27, the kids will practice that morning from 10-12. Time is dwindling! I have one parent doing snacks on the Wed. 10-12 practice.  Would anyone like to volunteer to do a small snack & water or juice boxes for this Sunday afternoon practice? I also want us to have desserts and drinks available after the Christmas Musical. Would someone volunteer to organize that & make sure all set up. I can’t think of anything else at the moment. You’ll all probably get a text reminding everyone to read these because I need everyone aware of the extra practices.  If someone realizes I am missing something let me know. If I forgot Thanksgiving with my family it is entirely possible I am forgetting lots of other stuff. Have a great week, focus on Jesus & show up for Wednesday night practice. I’ll be looking for you there!

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