Wasn't Sunday at. WBBC just wonderful? I love that in our church we have the freedom just to speak up or to change up the service. I have to tell y'all a little story about mom since she was at church Sunday. Friday late afternoon, I stopped by the church to check out the upstairs work. Mom called me while I was there & told me her nurse had called and told her not to expect to physically be like she was before. At this point she was barely getting around the house, breathing was not great, no appetite & really down & out. She had not drover herself anywhere in about a month. I hung up with mom quickly because I could feel tears coming up. I called Joey. We had already had a similar conversation because what the nurse had told mom we had already decided on our on. We also knew that if she got depressed over this then we felt like she would not follow her dr's orders and things would go downhill quickly. So Sat. night, Joey, the twins & I went to Anniston to hear "In Like Ben". On our way home we stopped at the Waffle House & Joey told the boys they needed to talk to Nana & tell her to take care of herself, that they wanted her to be around for yrs. As with most grandparents who live for their grand kids, my mom is no different & Joey thought the encouragement from the twins might help. It was late when we got home so they did not talk to Nana that night. I called mom to check on her on the way to church Sunday morning. She sounded better & said she was going to try and come to church. Not only was I surprised she was at church, that she had no trouble getting there, she looked better than she had in months. How amazing that she was able to walk to the alter & rededicate her life to Jesus. She even went to Winn Dixie & bought groceries. Now I am not crazy, I know she still has issues but it seems she might have gotten her 2nd wind & I am so thankful to God for that! I was so glad to see Wendy back at church too! We welcomed a new member Stormy, to the church family & then we saw all those students stand up without embarrassment or hesitation and be recognized for being saved! What a great day in God's house!
While I am praising God let me tell you how He worked last week for "In Like Ben". They had this date down for several months to play a youth rally. Everyone knew the date, everyone agreed to take
off work, or whatever was needed to get to the location. The people in this band are big on honoring their commitments & did not want to agree to something they could not follow thru on. So Monday of the week they are playing Friday & Saturday, the bass guitarists sent Jami a text that she forgot to ask off of work and she had so much going on that she couldn't play that weekend. Needless to say, Jami was let down and worried about what they were going to do. God tells us in Matthew 6:25 do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.. God supplied their need of a new guitarist within that night. Jami sent me a text from practice Tuesday night saying the new guy was an awesome player!! He did great Saturday when we heard the Sat. night too. Isn't it awesome that God supplies whatever we need? I mean come on .. A guitarist! God has bigger issues, the sick, the hungry, the abused, the lost but He still supplied what a band needed. We serve a mighty
If you had a youth, you probably stayed for the lunch. Jamey and Alisa did a great job putting our
meal together & I think Jamey did a great job delivering his vision for not just the students but us parents too.
Ok enough of my stories. Let's get to the kids! This Wednesday night Teresa Coley will be teaching the children & Courtney will be teaching the younger children, upstairs. I am hoping, for some volunteers to stuff eggs & sort thru the prizes for the Easter egg hunt. Reminder that the egg hunt will be this coming Saturday, 2 pm. Sam the balloon man will deliver a message to the kids & make them a balloon. We will have 2 hunts separated by grades. Children 1st grade & younger will hunt beside the gym in the large field. Children 2nd-5th will hunt in Wayne & Karon Fortenberry's front yard. You might be asking,"how can I help?" You can help by volunteering to stuff eggs at church tomorrow night, by coming early Sat & helping Katie set up the prize table by volunteering to help
Lindsay with the sign in table Sat or by volunteering to help Ashley redeem tickets for prizes. There
is plenty to do so please volunteer! I'll have a flyer at church tomorrow night. Grab some and pass
them out at the ball field, school or dance class. Invite others! Don't forget the bake sale. Come buy
a dessert for Easter dinner, freeze it & save yourself some time the next week!
Sorry we missed children's church this past Sunday. Joey said we only had about 10 mins before church was suppose to be over & did we just want to stay in. I agreed. I should have known his 10 mins was going to 40. Lol The spirit was working & it is good for children to see that so I am glad we stayed it. This Sunday we will discuss Easter in children's church & next Wed night we will be in the fellowship hall cooking empty tombs. There will be no children's church on Easter.
Scripts on Bisque will be at church Sunday April 27 from 3-5. This is for the children ages 5 and up & I am going to welcome any youth students or adults too. The cost is $15 and that is for your child to paint a cross ons canvas. I thought this would be a great Mother's Day gift or grandmother's gift.
Spots are limited so let me know if your child or anyone else is interested.
Plans are for our new children's room to be finished by Easter. Pray that happens. We have 40 plus
chairs lost somewhere.
This is the last item. Saturday night , May 3, 6 pm we will have a young adult supper. We use to do these every few months years back & have gotten away from it. We have so many new faces & this will be a chance to get to know each other better. If you are wondering if you are a young adult let me answer that. If you have a high schooler or younger child then you are still considered a young adult. Having Jack much later in life, I'll get to consider myself a young adult until I am about 55!!! Works for me! Lol We will eat steak or chicken kabobs, baked pot, salad, roll, dessert & drink for $15 per person. They nursery will be available for children 3 & younger. For those with older children needing childcare, it has been discussed to let the youth going on the camping trip watch those children upstairs & the parents needing childcare make a donation which would be split among those
youth working. I need to know by April 20 who plans to attend. Men, women, married, single.. All are welcome!
Continue to pray for those at church who are sick, those dealing the pain, martial struggles, heart hearts, struggling with job situations, for the lost & for the newly saved! I hope to see you and your family at church this week!
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