Monday, April 21, 2014

I sent Joey a text this morning asking if he could remember how many years he has been at WBBC now. He figured 17. I was reflecting back thinking on how the church use to be. We started seriously visiting the church while I was pregnant with the boys so we have probably been members for about 14 years. I have told so many of y'all how the church was back then. I sat on the front pew yesterday in amazement & awe at how packed the church was. If you had told me 15 years ago that our little church would ever be been half full again, I would have said you were crazy. But year after year, I have seen God steadily grow our 
church. I have seen him place faithful prayers, 
worshipers & workers at our church. I have seen 
him grow Joey as a preacher, grow leaders, grow teachers & volunteers. I have seen him allow us to remodel thanks to leaking pipes, build a gym, build a parking lot, go a little more high tech with computers & screens in the sanctuary, buy a van & now a remodeled children's area. I have seen VBS 
go from a half day event to a full throttle non stop 
full week of VBS. I have seen many church family pass on to heaven and I have seen God heal. I have seen people walk thru the doors I doubted ever 
would. I know there are many like me. You seen God work hard too. Still, I wasn't prepared for yesterday. I sat on the front pew fighting back 
tears. I was scared to really turn around a get a 
good look at how many worshippers were in our 
church . Never in my life would I have imagined God would have taken this little old church from 15 years ago with maybe 20 people & fill it up with over 350 people, taken maybe 5 children & turned them into over 40, taken a tiny choir and packed it out with the most beautiful voices. But 
this is God and he fed thousands with a little bit of bread & fish!! Now I know it was Easter and many people might not be back Sunday but they came thru our doors yesterday, felt our welcome, heard our music & heard the message about our risen Saviour. It is just crazy awesome & only possible because of God!! Yesterday just pumped 
me up & encouraged me. I want to see us packed out every Sunday. I want to see the choir walls busted out. I want to see the youth outgrow the gym & the kids outgrow the new area! Yesterday, should set a fire under us to get out & spread God's word! I hope you left church not only excited but encouraged too! 

I am so thankful for those parents who volunteer with the children's dept. I am sure everyone could see my face as children kept coming out of the sanctuary yesterday. In my mind, I was thinking there must be 70 kids going up to children's church & it's me & 2 youth. What am I going to do???!!!! I was so excited & blessed to get upstairs and have Ashley, Paula & several youth 
waiting to help! There was over 40 children so y'all that know me, know how exciting that is to me!! Let me throw this out here.. If you ever have thought about volunteering with the children, step up and do it. Volunteering does not mean teaching. Extra eyes just watching the children is a blessing. You might like to craft.  I don't! I can't sing, but 
Ashley can. If you have a heart to work with children, then we want you & we need you! My vision is to see children's church divided ,  a younger & older class that way we could teach more age appropriately. Teachers are needed for this to happen. Be in prayer about how you can help! Know that if God is urging you to step out & you obey Him, he will bless you! Bless you more 
than you can ever imagine!

Our room is nearing completion & I know I have rambled but I have to tell tall how God worked today. I needed a huge magnetic white board for the room. I went to office max not positive on what kind of price I would find. $650.00!!!! I left 
down & out because I knew I needed the board but  I also feel like God's money, especially at church, should be spent wisely. I called Ashley asking if she had any ideas. She mentioned Observer Office Supply. I happened to be 2 streets over from them. Walked in, the lady showed me the boards. I asked a price. She said around $500! Well it was a little cheaper but hold on, wait, listen to this......... Then she proceeds to say,"we are getting ready for inventory & I'll sell it to you for $135, no make it 
$65.00!!!!!!!!! She even agreed to hold it until I could get Jami to pick it up tomorrow. God was all over that!! I told that woman she was part of a blessing!

This Wednesday night the children will meet upstairs for children's church. There is still room for children to come to Sundays painting class. 
Parents are welcome too. The cost is $15 and we will be painting a cross on canvas. Some of the youth might be interested too. Just let me know. 

Reminder that we are continuously collecting food for the students at RMS. Items like pop tarts, cereal bars, single serve spaghetti, ravioli, 
individual snacks packs & juice boxes are needed. If you can, grab an item or 2 when you are grocery shopping.

Let me end tonight with saying I just had a great conversation. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we need to put aside our worldly views, our opinions, our so & so did this and just show love. Pure and simple.. Show love to people no matter what! I hope we all think about this & strive to show love in every situation. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed week!!

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