Monday, April 14, 2014

Welcome to Holy Week! Have y'all noticed the crowd at church the past 2 weeks? I can't imagine what Easter Sunday will be like! God just continues to bless us with new faces! It is so exciting to me!

God provided us with beautiful weather at the egg hunt Saturday. He also provided us with lots of visitors! There was many faces I didn't know & I plan on making contact with them this week. Huge thank you to those who helped make the hunt a success!
Let me update you on the children's room remodel. Please do not judge the colors yet! There is more painting to do & some detailed artwork for the entry & and the red wall.  As we speak guys are working. They have reshipped the lost furniture so hopefully it will be here this week. I am anxious to get up there & clean out the old stuff.

This Wednesday night the children will meet in the fellowship hall from 6-7. We will be discussing Holy Week & cooking!! The children, with the help of adults, will be making a delicious treat called an empty tomb. This will be fun!

I had said in the last blog that we would not have children's church Easter but I have changed my mind, so we will be dismissed after the music as normal.

I need to remind everyone if your child wants to attend the painting class March 27 from 3-5, I need to know by Sunday. The cost is $15. Your child will leave church with a great painting that would be a perfect gift for Mother's Day.

Reminder that we are still collecting food for the RMS students. When you are shopping grab an extra box of pop tarts, juice boxes, cereal bars or single serve snacks. If we all grab 1 extra item, we will be able to make a difference.

The past few weeks have been crazy with mom being sick( thankfully doing well now), trying to run
back & forth meeting workers for the remodel, Jack being sick, me being sick & just general life stuff, so I still haven't gotten a price on Disney. It is on my list for this week. If you have written a check for your deposit & it hasn't cleared your bank.. I still have it. June is handling those deposits & she has been out of town & had lots of deposits yesterday so I'll give them to her next Sunday.

Please keep Candace Hardwoods' mom & the family in your prayers. We need to remember Lewis Ozgatharp as he recovers from surgery. Pray that the visitors from the egg hunt receive my contact with an open heart. It was great to see Josh McBurnett back at church yesterday. Continue prayers for his healing, Dru & Macy Fortenberry's great grandmothers healing & Martha Williams. I hope y'all have a fabulous Holy Week and really take time to focus on the love that Jesus has for us!

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