Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Good morning. Waking up thankful for God's protection from the storms. I personally know of 2 families who lost everything but praise God because they were not harmed. I am going to try and be super quick today and quickly mention what the kids have going on.

For the next 2 Wed. nights we will have a quick lesson & then practice our Mother's Day song. We will also practice this coming Sunday during Children's church. The children will perform it during the service on Sunday, May 11. Reminder to send kids upstairs for our meetings & please come pick up your child so I know they are with an adult.  Last Wed. night Katie discussed with the kids about us raising money for the Rainbow Middle School Food project. Remember, they have students who were going with little or no food on the weekends and now they are sending food home with the students. They are going to feed those students all summer which will take money. We challenged the children to raise $100 by the end of May & them we would have an ice cream party, I then upped it to $200 & we would have ice cream, pizza & a movie. So if you feel led please send in some money with your child for this project. This would be a great opportunity to discuss with them to importance of cheerfully giving. This would also be a great chance to discuss tithing and explain that they could take a portion of their allowance or gifted money & use it for God's work. Feel free to still bring in boxed items like Poptarts, cereal bars, individual snack items, spaghetti, ravioli & juice boxes. We have a huge red tub upstairs that needs to be filled so we can help out with food needs for the month of May. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Please still be in prayer that there is a few parents who would like to step forward and teach another children's church class on Sunday mornings. I believe our 4 & 5 year old children could benefit from a smaller class geared towards their age group.

Thank you to all who participated in the painting class Sunday. We had a great time painting crosses!

Go ahead and put VBS on your calendar for July 21-25!!!!

I pray that you have a safe afternoon since we are suppose to receive more storms. I hope to see your family at church tomorrow night!

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