Monday, March 31, 2014

Standing on the Promises

What a beautiful Monday! To bad the kids had to go back to school today. I think we are going to be blessed with great spring weather for the most of this week. I hope you get to enjoy it!

I wanted to give a little update on our room. The stage will be carpeted tomorrow & the lights will be finished this week. I believe the sheet rockers will come in towards the end of the week & the painter the following week. Part of the furniture came today. I have been so excited the past 2 weeks when parents have stopped by to see the progress. The children have signed the stage so in the future when it needs to be renovated their names may be seen. It seemed fitting that Randy did one of my favorite old hymns yesterday.. Standing on the promises. I have memories of the twins singing that when they were little & I wrote that on the stage as a reminder while I am standing on it that if you follow God's plan He will be faithful.   

Due the renovation & fabulous weather the children will go to the Rainbow City Park Wednesday night. We will carpool, leaving the church at 6 & be back by 7:15. Again, I'll need some parents to volunteer to drive children. We will pass out egg hunt flyers at the park. Reminder that the Easter egg hunt will be Saturday, April 12, 2 pm. Sam the balloon man will have a message for the children then we will hunt eggs. I'll be posting the hunt on fb so when you see the post please repost it on your page. I have sent in PSA's too the radio stations & papers but again, the best advertisement is  
word of mouth. Please get out and invite others!!!!!Still looking for
 some volunteers to help too. The women will have a bake sale that day. I also need to remind y'all that on April 27, 3-5 pm, that Scripts on Bisque will be at church for the children to paint on canvas. They will paint a cross which will be great for Mother's day. The cost is  $15 per child and they need to be 5 yrs old or very close to 5 to participate. 

Thank you for all the prayers for mom. She still needs them. Continue to pray for Wendy, pray for Tina Patterson's mom who is 
in the hospital & Joshua McBurnette, who will have surgery 
Wednesday. Pray for Joey as he travels tomorrow with Morgan Martin & Judson. They are going to be pages in Montgomery and Joey will be doing the opening prayer in the House of Representatives. Pray for In Like Ben. They perform for their first youth ralley Friday & Saturday. Pray for Jamey and Alisa as they transition to our area. I am looking forward to the youth lunch they are having Sunday & the life changing spaghetti!  Maybe, I should cook for my kids parents.... Um no! Y'all would leave the church if y'all ate my cooking! Have blessed week & know that you too can stand on the promises of God!

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