Well Sunday seemed to be a huge day for Sunday school attendance. Jami said we had 129 people Sunday. We normally average 105. I had 18 children just in my class with 10 of those bring visitors!!! It was a wonderful blessing! Then I got to children's church & the table of contents had fallen out of my bible plus in the chaos of me looking for a child who was not missing I lost my notes & for the life of me I could not find Ester with out my table of contents to read my story. I tried to read it from my phone & could only scroll so far. My lesson was unraveling so I moved on to talking about why we go to church & the ABC's of becoming a Christian. Maybe God was directing the unraveling because moving on to the ABC's opened the door for 3 children to be saved!!! Before I began discussing the ABC's I opened the floor for children who had been saved to tell others what they experienced. It was wonderful to hear those stories and I think the courage the boys and girls who spoke helped those who felt the knock on their hearts to come forward. We see tons of courage shown over and over with the children & youth. I think of Jameson and his desire to deliver God's message & Joshua rededicating his life to God knowing he didn't have to tell anyone his business but wanting to make it known in front of the church. There has been many other youth too who have given testimonies, spoke on a subject close to their heart or read bible verses in the past. They get up and move & most of us adults just sit in our pews. Of all places in this world, we should feel comfortable in our church & shouldn't be worried about what others think. Are you lacking courage to walk to the alter, to speak up, to ask Jesus into you life or to rededicate your life? Pray on it. Speak to Joey about it. Pray some more! I have told y'all several times of my shyness. I use to have go in the bathroom & pray before church so that I had the guts to go shake hands, introduce myself & welcome people to WBBC. I would feel like I was going to throw up & pass out when I knew I had to speak in front of the church. I prayed a lot & kept on pushing thru. God set examples in front of me. One of those was Audrey Broom. She had cancer & came to church with her scarf on her bare head. She didn't care that she was wearing that scarf. She welcomed person after person. I saw that faithfulness & her loving heart & knew that if Audrey could welcome people in her situation then I could put my shyness away. Don't let being scared, shy or worry about what others think affect your eternal life. Have some courage, step out of that pew & take your problem to Jesus!
Well that wasn't were I ment to take the children 's courage story but it went where it went. This Wednseday night the children will be doing Big City Studio from 6-7. I would love to see lots of visitors. We have had a work schedule change for one of our Wednesday night teachers for the 4 & 5 yr. old class so please be in prayer that the door will open for another person to help in that class. This coming Sunday, children's church will be the whole preaching hour so bring them on to the sanctuary & then we will have Joey call them all at the beginning of the service. Katie Smith will teach the children that day. Please remember our food mission project is a continuous project. Anytime you feel lead to pick up the food from the list please drop it off in the gym. If you need a list, let me know or check last weeks blog post. I am still waiting on the Martins coupons to come in for those going to Disney. There is still room for those interested in going. Deposits have started to come in & I'll start trying to get us some definite prices soon. If you have questions please let me know.
Continue to pray for Jamey & Alisa. Pray for the youth as they worship at DNow Friday & Saturday. Remember Wendy Benefield & Donna Smith as they both came home today from the hospital & rehab. Also, remember the Ayres family as they head to China Thursday. Thank you to Tyla Hood & Deoreo's pizza for delivering to us at Jumping for Jesus! I hope you all have a great week. Step out and invite someone to church!
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