What a beautiful weekend! After all this cold & dreariness I think God just wanted to remind us that better times are coming. As I watched my boys play outside this afternoon I started thinking about the dynamics of my family & how it is changing. It used to be that the twins were always together & most weekends all 3 boys would be home with us. Two weeks ago Joshua & Jack stayed with my parents Friday night & all Saturday. Jami & I spent our time with Judson at the quiz bowl. Last weekend, Joshua went on a hunting trip leaving Judson & Jack at home. This weekend, the twins were at Dnow Friday & Saturday. So fast forward to today and it is wonderful to be home & have Jami here & all 3 boys and to watch them play & goof off outside. I know from here on out our family dynamics will continue to evolve. The twins will separate more, they'll be many more weekends where they are gone from home, they could actually be gone off to college in 5 yrs, Jack will grow up & begin to spend the night with other children on the weekend. So I cherish the Sunday afternoons were the boys are rolling in the grass, playing football or fighting with foam swords like samurai. I know all of us parents go thru these changes in our homes & I know the growing up and moving on is the way God intends for it to be. I look forward to my families future but today I sure did enjoy them just being kids & being home with us!
Enough about me and my family. This was a great weekend for our church! WBBC seemed to be a happening place. Friday night many of the younger church ladies met at Velocity for a great supper & time together! The youth went to Dnow Friday night. They met back at church Saturday morning for a great breakfast, headed to Dnow, came back to church (minus the van) for a terrific lunch from Deorio's, headed back to Dnow, and came back to the church around 8. Some of the youth hung out in the gym playing ball. The Redemption Tree band was also at church Saturday night setting up for today. They did an awesome job performing for WBBC today. It was a great uplifting service! There was also tons of visitors. As
I type, the If Gathering is going on with the women at church. The
doors at WBBC have been opening & closing all weekend! That is a great thing! I know my own boys really enjoyed the message at Dnow & I am so thankful for those who gave up there weekend to to help these youth learn about discipleship & I am thankful to those who helped serve them their meals. I am sure The If Gathering is a blessing to many tonight & I look forward to Brandie posting about it. God is present & working hard at WBBC!
This Wed night will be Big City Studio for the children from 6-7. Thank you to Chris & Katie Smith for leading Children's church today. Reminder that Disney deposits need to be coming in. For those going to Disney, I have Martin's benefit coupons you can sell. I'll have them with me next Sunday so make sure you pick them up because whatever you sell will go directly into your account. Spring break is coming up & I planned a little trip to the Birmingham Zoo for our children & their parents. It will be a
twilight tour Monday March 24. It costs $15 per person. We will meet at the church at 5 pm for a pizza supper & be on the road by
5:30. We will be at the zoo from 7-10. The tour consists of an
animal show, twilight tour, carousel ride & a snack. I need to know by March 16 how many in your family will be going. Thank you for the food that is coming in for our mission project. I believe the list has grown from feeding 11 children to 15 this week. Keep these children in your prayers.
Please continue to pray for Jamey & Alisa for the arrival of Asa. I imagine the Ayres have John in their arms by now or if not in the next few hours. Pray that is a smooth transition for baby & parents. I pray that you all have a great week!!
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