Monday, March 31, 2014

Standing on the Promises

What a beautiful Monday! To bad the kids had to go back to school today. I think we are going to be blessed with great spring weather for the most of this week. I hope you get to enjoy it!

I wanted to give a little update on our room. The stage will be carpeted tomorrow & the lights will be finished this week. I believe the sheet rockers will come in towards the end of the week & the painter the following week. Part of the furniture came today. I have been so excited the past 2 weeks when parents have stopped by to see the progress. The children have signed the stage so in the future when it needs to be renovated their names may be seen. It seemed fitting that Randy did one of my favorite old hymns yesterday.. Standing on the promises. I have memories of the twins singing that when they were little & I wrote that on the stage as a reminder while I am standing on it that if you follow God's plan He will be faithful.   

Due the renovation & fabulous weather the children will go to the Rainbow City Park Wednesday night. We will carpool, leaving the church at 6 & be back by 7:15. Again, I'll need some parents to volunteer to drive children. We will pass out egg hunt flyers at the park. Reminder that the Easter egg hunt will be Saturday, April 12, 2 pm. Sam the balloon man will have a message for the children then we will hunt eggs. I'll be posting the hunt on fb so when you see the post please repost it on your page. I have sent in PSA's too the radio stations & papers but again, the best advertisement is  
word of mouth. Please get out and invite others!!!!!Still looking for
 some volunteers to help too. The women will have a bake sale that day. I also need to remind y'all that on April 27, 3-5 pm, that Scripts on Bisque will be at church for the children to paint on canvas. They will paint a cross which will be great for Mother's day. The cost is  $15 per child and they need to be 5 yrs old or very close to 5 to participate. 

Thank you for all the prayers for mom. She still needs them. Continue to pray for Wendy, pray for Tina Patterson's mom who is 
in the hospital & Joshua McBurnette, who will have surgery 
Wednesday. Pray for Joey as he travels tomorrow with Morgan Martin & Judson. They are going to be pages in Montgomery and Joey will be doing the opening prayer in the House of Representatives. Pray for In Like Ben. They perform for their first youth ralley Friday & Saturday. Pray for Jamey and Alisa as they transition to our area. I am looking forward to the youth lunch they are having Sunday & the life changing spaghetti!  Maybe, I should cook for my kids parents.... Um no! Y'all would leave the church if y'all ate my cooking! Have blessed week & know that you too can stand on the promises of God!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Spring Break week of wait.. That should be Happy Back to Winter week. Ugh! I am so thankful that we did not have this weather last night at the zoo. Speaking of the zoo, we had a great time last night. We didn't see a huge amount of animals but we did have a great time hanging out together. I love when we have a chance to socialize outside of the church because it allows time to get to know the children and parents better. I had know idea that Ashley Fortenberry was terrified of frogs! Anyway, it was a great night! 

I wanted to do something different than the regular Wednesday night lesson tomorrow night & possibly the next few Wednesday nights since our room is under construction so tomorrow night I'll be loading the kids onto the WBBC crazy bus and we will be heading to the Southside McDonalds. I'll be treating them to a ice cream or shake & then we will be demonstrating a few random acts of kindness to some drive thru customers. I'll need a few parents to help transport the children & help once there. We will leave the church at 6:00 & be back at 7:15. 

Now let's talk about the new children's room. First, thank you who helped with the demolition Saturday. I hope many of you got a chance Sunday to look at our area & get a glimpse of our vision. I don't know how many weeks until this project is complete. I did ask but a certain contractor I know would not answer me! I do know the electrician is suppose to come replace all our lights this week. I am excited about the renovation & I really think this is going to be a great spot for us to worship & grow closer to Jesus!

The Easter Egg Hunt will be April 12 @ 2 pm. Sam the balloon man will deliver the gospel to the children & then we will hunt eggs. Sam will stick around and make balloons for the kids. I have 2 moms who have volunteered to work the prize tent. I still need a parent or 2 to hand out popcorn. I'll need some to help set up that morning too. I need a person to be the EB. The women will be selling baked goods that day with proceeds raised going to support  their mission activities. I gave emailed the radio stations, local papers & signs are being printed up but the best form of communication is word of mouth so we need you to invite others. Think of people who are not  in a local church and step out, God will give you the words, and invite others. 

Reminder that Disney deposits need to be coming in. I still have Martin's benefit tickets if you want to sell them for Disney. 

Keep Wendy in your prayers as she continues to heal, my mom too.  Josh McBurnett will have surgery April 2 so remember him , Catherine and the kids in your prayers as the times approaches. Remember "In Like Ben" as they perform at a youth rally April 4&5. The Ayres arrived back home this past Friday with their new son John. I am sure they still need our prayers as they try to get back to their daily routines & John gets use to his new family. I hope you all have a blessed week! I look forward to seeing you all at church this week!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lots Going on at WBBC

This is going to be a quick one folks. Tomorrow night the children will have Big City in the gym from 6-7. This will be our last Wednesday in the gym. Saturday, we will begin removing walls up stairs & building the stage for our new children's area. I know Joey said we need men to volunteer to help Saturday. Even if you do not build stuff they'll be something to do. I know there is several pieces of furniture that needs to be removed,  TV unmounted, remounted in another room, just lots going on so if you can help that will be great!! Be at the church by 7:30. I am assuming it will take a few weeks to get everything completed with the area so next Wednesday, assuming we have good weather, children's church will be at the Rainbow City park. We will meet at the church at 5:45& be back at the church by 7:00.  Monday, March 24, the children will go on a twilight tour at the Birmingham Zoo. I will have a pizza supper at the church at 5 & we will leave at 5:30. We will just follow each other & hopefully some can carpool together. The tour is from 7-10 pm. The cost is $15 a person & you can pay Sunday or Monday. There is still time to join in on the fun!

I have a few other items pertaining to the kids. April 12 will be the annual Easter egg hunt. Big Bob the balloon man will open the festivities @ 2:00, delivering the Gospel to the children. Then we will hunt eggs in the field next to the church. Hunt will be for children 5th grade & younger. I'll be in need for a few volunteers, someone to wear the EB costume, a popcorn popper & a few people to work the prize booth. Everything needed will be supplied so if you can volunteer please let me know. Please invite others.  The other item is a children's painting party. Teri Smith from Scripts on Bisque, will lead the children in painting a canvas Sunday April 27, from 3-5. The cost is $15 & that is for children 5yrs. - 5th grade. The theme will more than likely be a cross. These would make great Mother's Day gifts for moms & Grandmothers.  Parents are welcome to stay and paint too. 

We have a lot going on at church right now. Jamey & Alisa welcomed Asa into the world last Friday. Jamey will be leading the youth this Wednesday! I am so excited to see God work thru him with our students. I know he already has plans for a youth camp in June. As stated earlier, renovations for the children's area starts Saturday. The ladies and the If Table are reaching out to the community. In Like Ben is playing a youth rally April 4 & 5 in Anniston and I know the choir is preparing for Easter. Please remember Wendy Benefield who is still in the hospital along with Martha Williams. Josh Mcburnett will have back surgery April 2 & Mom who has been at the Cardiologist all day. The Ayres travel home Friday. I am sure there are others I don't know about who are in need of our prayers. I pray that you have a week full of blessings. Just a few more days and it will be Spring Break!!! This mom is doing the happy dance! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Doors Opening & Closing All Weekend

What a beautiful weekend! After all this cold & dreariness I think God just wanted to remind us that better times are coming. As I watched my boys play outside this afternoon I started thinking about the dynamics of my family & how it is changing. It used to be that the twins were always together & most weekends all 3 boys would be home with us. Two weeks ago Joshua & Jack stayed with my parents Friday night & all Saturday. Jami & I spent our time with Judson at the quiz bowl. Last weekend, Joshua went on a hunting trip leaving Judson & Jack at home. This weekend, the twins were at Dnow Friday & Saturday. So fast forward to today and it is wonderful to be home & have Jami here & all 3 boys and to watch them play & goof off outside. I know from here on out our family dynamics will continue to evolve. The twins will separate more, they'll be many more weekends where they are gone from home, they could actually be gone off to college in 5 yrs, Jack will grow up  & begin to spend the night with other children on the weekend. So I cherish the Sunday afternoons were the boys are rolling in the grass, playing football or fighting with foam swords like samurai. I know all of us parents go thru these changes in our homes & I know the growing up and moving on is the way God intends for it to be. I look forward to my families future but today I sure did enjoy them just being kids & being home with us! 

Enough about me and my family. This was a great weekend for our church! WBBC seemed to be a happening place. Friday night many of the younger church ladies met at Velocity for a great supper & time together! The youth went to Dnow Friday night. They met back at church Saturday morning for a great breakfast, headed to Dnow, came back to church (minus the van) for a terrific lunch from Deorio's, headed back to Dnow, and came back to the church around 8. Some of the youth hung out in the gym playing ball. The Redemption Tree band was also at church Saturday night setting up for today.  They did an awesome job performing for WBBC today. It was a great uplifting service! There was also tons of visitors.  As 
I type, the If Gathering is going on with the women at church.  The 
doors at WBBC have been opening & closing all weekend! That is a great thing! I know my own boys really enjoyed the message at Dnow & I am so thankful for those who gave up there weekend to to help these youth learn about discipleship & I am thankful to those who helped serve them their meals. I am sure The If Gathering is a blessing to many tonight & I look forward to  Brandie posting about it. God is present & working hard at WBBC!

This Wed night will be Big City Studio for the children from 6-7. Thank you to Chris & Katie Smith for leading Children's church today. Reminder that Disney deposits need to be coming in. For those going to Disney, I have Martin's benefit coupons you can sell. I'll have them with me next Sunday so make sure you pick them up because whatever you sell will go directly into your account. Spring break is coming up & I planned a little trip to the Birmingham Zoo for our children & their parents.  It will be a  
twilight tour Monday March 24. It costs $15 per person.  We will meet at the church at 5 pm for a pizza supper & be on the road by 
5:30. We will be at the zoo from 7-10. The tour consists of an 
animal show, twilight tour, carousel ride & a snack.  I need to know by March 16 how many in your family will be going. Thank you for the food that is coming in for our mission project. I believe the list has grown from feeding 11 children to 15 this week. Keep these children in your prayers. 

Please continue to pray for Jamey &  Alisa for the arrival of Asa. I imagine the Ayres have John in their arms by now or if not in the next few hours. Pray that is a smooth transition for baby & parents. I pray that you all have a great week!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Get Some Courage

Well Sunday seemed to be a huge day for Sunday school attendance. Jami said we had 129 people Sunday. We normally average 105. I had 18 children just in my class with 10 of those bring visitors!!! It was a wonderful  blessing! Then I got to children's church & the table of contents had fallen out of my bible plus in the chaos of me looking for a child who was not missing I lost my notes & for the life of me I could not find Ester with out my table of contents to read my story. I tried to read it from my phone & could only scroll so far. My lesson was unraveling so I moved on to talking about why we go to church & the ABC's of becoming a Christian. Maybe God was directing the unraveling because moving on to the ABC's opened the door for 3 children to be saved!!! Before I began discussing the ABC's I opened the floor for children who had been saved to tell others what they experienced. It was wonderful to hear those stories and I think the courage the boys and girls who spoke helped those who felt the knock on their hearts to come forward. We see tons of courage shown over and over with the children & youth. I think of Jameson and his desire to deliver God's message & Joshua rededicating his life to God knowing he didn't have to tell anyone his business but wanting to make it known in front of the church.  There has been many other youth too who have given testimonies, spoke on a subject close to their heart or read bible verses in the past. They get up and move & most of us adults just sit in our pews. Of all places in this world, we should feel comfortable in our church & shouldn't be worried about what others think. Are you lacking courage to walk to the alter, to speak up, to ask Jesus into you life or to rededicate your life? Pray on it. Speak to Joey about it. Pray some more! I have told y'all several times of my shyness. I use to have go in the bathroom & pray before church so that I had the guts to go shake hands, introduce myself & welcome people to WBBC. I would feel like I was going to throw up & pass out when I knew I had to speak in front of the church. I prayed a lot & kept on pushing thru. God set examples in front of me. One of those was Audrey Broom. She had cancer & came to church with her scarf on her bare head. She didn't care that she was wearing that scarf. She welcomed person after person. I saw that faithfulness & her loving heart & knew that if Audrey could welcome people in her situation then I could put my shyness away. Don't let being scared, shy or worry about what others think affect your eternal life. Have some courage, step out of that pew & take your problem to Jesus!

Well that wasn't were I ment to take the children 's courage story but it went where it went. This Wednseday night the children will be doing Big City Studio from 6-7. I would love to see lots of visitors. We have had a work schedule change for one of our Wednesday night teachers for the 4 & 5 yr. old class so please be in prayer that the door will open for another person to help in that class. This coming Sunday, children's church will be the whole preaching hour so bring them on to the sanctuary & then we will have Joey call them all at the beginning of the service. Katie Smith will teach the children that day. Please remember our food mission project is a continuous project. Anytime you feel lead to pick up the food from the list please drop it off in the gym. If you need a list, let me know or check last weeks blog post. I am still waiting on the Martins coupons to come in for those going to Disney. There is still room for those interested in going. Deposits have started to come in & I'll start trying to get us some definite prices soon. If you have questions please let me know.

Continue to pray for Jamey & Alisa. Pray for the youth as they worship at DNow Friday & Saturday. Remember Wendy Benefield & Donna Smith as they both came home today from the hospital & rehab. Also, remember the Ayres family as they head to China Thursday.  Thank you to Tyla Hood & Deoreo's pizza for delivering to us at Jumping for Jesus! I hope you all have a great week. Step out and invite someone to church!