Good morning! Some of you are still curled up in the bed since it is a school holiday, others are working. I wish I was curled up in my bed but my brain ran all night. There has been lots going on and I am very excited at the new possibilities so my brain just sits and turns information over and over all night, runs thru things said, actions, verses & I pray. I know it sounds crazy!!! Anyway, if you are up reading this I hope you are having a great morning. Arlo said something yesterday that stuck with me and that was we don’t need to get satisfied. I agree!! So if you are happy with your Sunday school numbers, if you are happy with the nursery numbers, with the children church numbers, with the youth numbers, with the choir numbers & with a pew not completely filled something is missing. I say that because we are supposed to be out telling others about Jesus and if we are all doing that in every aspect of our lives then there would be no room in a pew, the gym wouldn’t hold all the children, the choir loft would need to be busted out and the Sunday school classes would need to expand into the storage rooms! Sure we love our church like it is but there is so much more we have been called to do. We are called to reach nations with God’s word, thankfully the Mayo’s are doing this, but for us folks not called into overseas missions we still have a job to do here. We are called to go out into our communities and reach the lost. If we are happy with the way things are then we won’t have a need to go tell the lost about Jesus. I haven’t been as proactive as I would like to be in this area. I need to be out busting my tale for Jesus, putting myself in places where I have the opportunity to make new relationships and show the love of Jesus to others. I want to see more growth, not just in church numbers but in people having real relationships with Jesus. I want to see people really connecting with Jesus and relying on him in their everyday lives not just when times are tough. Yesterday I heard a man say something I have never thought about; he used a youth mission trip as the example. He said the parents, Sunday school leaders, church elders were all asking why these kids weren’t signing up for a mission trip & the person telling the story said he asked those asking,” why aren’t you signing up for a mission trip?” So basically, how can we expect people to be all in on something, if the leaders & parents aren’t all in & willing to try things & participate too? Just gave me something to think on. I hope you all know that I am never calling anyone out on here. I propose questions, things I myself need to do better, and then hope it makes you think too and question if you can do anything better. It takes all of us out working to make a difference! To bust the doors of the church open it will take all of us out reaching the lost, not just a few. Pray on it and God will guide you!
Now on to the kids…We had a great group Wednesday night in The Big City Studio but I am still missing a few kids. I hope to see everyone this Wednesday night! The 4 & 5 yr. olds still need a group name Ashley, Courtney & Donna, unless we are really going with the Runaways!!?? Lol I mentioned last week that I need some parents to volunteer their time during children’s church. Out of all of our parents I had 2 volunteer. I know Joey provides lots of entertainment but so do me & the children. This is a real need so please pray on it & if God directs you please volunteer for 1 Sunday. This can be youth parents too or even those without children & youth. You’ll just be helping watch over the children while I teach. Some Sundays we have 35-40 kids in CC & it isn’t safe for 1 person to watch over that many kids, especially when some of them are young. Thanks in advance! I have also announced that we are doing a soup lunch Feb 2 for the mission portion of the 2015 Disney trip. I need to know how many of you plan on making a soup, stew or chili, dessert & tea so I know that we have enough participating to feed the church. Please let me know ASAP! If you still have questions about the Disney trip read 2 blog posts back. It has the latest info. I am trying to post words of encouragement of info pertaining to things we have learned that parents can reinforce at home on the Whorton Bend Baptist Children Ministry Facebook page. I know some of you don’t do fb but those of you who do please make sure you have joined the page and check it for updates. I hope yall have a great blessed week & I hope you share the love of Jesus with someone else this week. Get out an invite someone to church. Be the hands & feet of Jesus and don’t be satisfied with good enough!!
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