Good Monday morning. I hope you all are enjoying the warmer temps this morning since we’ll be back into the Artic temps tonight. I don’t know about yall but this girl is ready for spring. I am thankful God gives us different seasons but I am ready for this one to move on. Anyway, wasn’t church great yesterday? I love it when we start out with a baptism, even better when it is a youth proclaiming her love for Jesus. I have known Morgan for a very long time. She was one of the 1st kids I had a church. I want to say her & Kylee Johnson were big 2nd graders & now they are about to become seniors. It is crazy how time flies and how God makes things work. If you had asked me 10 yrs. ago, when I was setting around a table w/ Joshua, Judson, Morgan, Kylee & Jeremy Entrekin ,if we would ever have a packed church, lots of youth and children & looking for a full time youth minister, I would have said,” I doubt it.” I just sit in amazement at our church sometimes. Of course, I shouldn’t limit God but back in those days it just seemed so farfetched to see our church packed, to see the choir loft packed & to think that we would experience growing problems. Over the years I have seen many unbelievable things take place at WBBC and thru those experiences I have learned to not limit God. I hope you are not limiting Him. He can get you thru whatever is troubling you this morning.
I hope by now all of you parents who are on FB and have a child in the children’s dept have joined the Whorton Bend Baptist Children ministry page. I am trying to post notes, words of encouragement, craziness with children moments (I have a lot of those) (I am sure yall heard Jack holler he wanted his turn in the pool after Morgan got out of the baptism), lessons we have discussed in children’s church or Sunday school with the hope that you can question your children or reinforce those lessons & last minute notices there. Yesterday, we discussed the Good Samaritan and how we should help others. Feel free to send me a private message if there is a certain message you think your child could benefit from & I’ll try to do a lesson pertaining to that subject. I hope to see all of your children Wednesday night for Big City Studio! We will have a Valentines party on Wed. Feb 12 and I’ll let you know as we get closer on what I might need parents to bring. That night would be a great Wed. to let your child invite a friend to church.
I had asked for some Sunday volunteers during CC so here is the list of who is helping with Children’s church & when. Courtney Jones was yesterday, Michelle Lawley is 02-02, Paula Hopper is 02-09, Tina Patterson is 02-16, & Teresa Coley is 02-23. Thanks for volunteering. If there is anyone else who wants to volunteer please let me know. You do not have to teach. I just need extra eyes with so many children. I would love a couple to volunteer to teach one Sunday. When I say couple I just mean 2 people. It might mean 2 moms who want to pair up and do it together. Remember this Sunday is the soup lunch for the Disney mission trip. Monies raised are going strictly to the mission portion of the trip. I need each person who volunteered to bring a soup, chili or stew (everyone please do not pick chili... we can’t have 10 chili’s and 2 soups lol) a dessert and a tea. This is the list I have of those who are going to Disney & who said they could bring Sunday: Mcburnett’s, Runyan’s, Smith’s, Martin’s, Holly Patterson, Layton’s, McKee’s, and Gutheries’s, Coley’s, Benefield’s, Fortenberry’s, Harwood’s & me. If I left someone off please let me know. Also, I’ll text you this week to see what kind of soup you are bringing & I’ll send several reminder texts. I do not want anyone to forget and us be short of food & not have enough to feed people. If you are interested in the Disney trip check about the 3wks back in the blog posts for the info & you still have time to join in. 1st deposit is due march 2nd $100.00.
Whew, I think that is it! Questions text me or call me. I hope you all have the very best week and experience many blessings and moments with Jesus!
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