Sunday, January 5, 2014

Expectations for the New Year & Disney Info

Good afternoon! I thought I better go ahead and blog today because if we are lucky & get snow I’ll be outside playing tomorrow.  I was so glad to get back to church today! Since we were in Gatlinburg last week, it has been 2 weeks since I have been at church & that is a long time! I was so glad to see my kids in Sunday school & children’s church. We are still missing some but I know we have some still sick & some still traveling. Hopefully, everyone will be well & back at church soon.  The kids will be back to regular Wednesday nights this week. I don’t know if we will do Big City or something else.  With it being the 1st week back in school & it being hard to get in the groove….I might just break out and do something different. I’ll decide by Wednesday! Lol
When it is a new year I try to sit down, think about the coming year and think on what works, what doesn’t & what I would like to do different in the children’s dept. I feel like Wednesday night’s work well & I know that is because of the great group of volunteers we have in there. I feel like most children are able to understand the lesson, the Bible verse & get an understanding of Jesus.  Children’s church on Sunday is a different story. Many Sundays we have a huge group of kids in CC. That is a wonderful problem. The problem part is a lot of Sundays it is just me and I feel like that I am not getting the point of the lesson across because my eyes are wondering in too many places. If the kids are coming to church, I want them to leave learning something. Yes I know I was having parents volunteer & I still plan on doing that some, but I also like for the kids to have the same person with them for the majority of the time. I just feel like it gives them a dependable and a steady environment & I think it helps them to know who & what to expect. That probably sounds crazy but as a parent I know my children do better when we have the same routine. They get use to seeing the same face & knowing what that person expects of them. So I am going to see how this month goes but I might plan on doing CC every Sunday & then asking for a volunteer or 2 to help out with crowd control! Lol Then I might ask for a set of people to volunteer every once in a while to give me a break. Just some thoughts! I also try to think of events for the year. Yes I know we have the traditional egg hunt, fall fest & Santa breakfast but I would like to spice it up. Let’s think out of the box and see how we can make a traditional egg hunt more focused on Jesus.  I am thinking of maybe a live nativity at the Santa breakfast. Just thinking out loud! You might have a particular talent or background that I know nothing about that would be good to share with the children. I struggle doing crafts; you might love to so crafts. Let me know what you need and I would be glad to set it up one Wed. night or Sunday during CC. Local childhood hunger has been weighing on my mind lately too. There is just no excuse for children in our area to go hungry but they do. So I am thinking the children’s dept. might be able to help with that.  I want us to be the hands & feet of Jesus. Children learn what they see so let’s come up w/ some mission projects were they can be included. Send me some feedback folks! Don’t be shy!
I do need to let you know that Sunday, January 19, the youth will be speaking on Winter Extreme and we will not have CC that day.
Ok on to the Disney Mission trip. Let me cover the general idea for those who are new. It is spring break 2015. Can’t tell you the date until the school boards make the decision in May. My plan is for us to go to Disney but also do a mission project since the area around Disney is so poor. I am leaning towards backpacks of food for hungry children. So we would need to fundraise for that.  Plans are to collect deposits along the way so when we do know date of spring break we can go ahead & make our reservations & pay down the initial deposit. So starting March 1st and each month after they’ll be a dep due of $100. That will go into a church act set up just for us. I know everyone might not be able to make that, things come up & you might need to skip a month & double up on another month… no biggie. We will collect that until we have our rooms paid for which run $150.00 a night. Once I pay the deposit the money will be nonrefundable, up until that point I can give you your money paid into the church act back.  We can do other fundraisers too but we don’t need to rely on the church because we will want to ask them for donations for the mission projects and youth trips.  We will do a 31 order around Mother’s Day & make 25% off of that.  I need some people to say I’ll head this or that fundraiser up, tell me what & when it is & get it going. I would like to get a mission fundraiser done 1st so we can set that money aside. I had mentioned today a soup lunch Jan. 26 but there is a women’s conference that night so let’s push it to Feb. 2. Basically, I will ask all who plan on going to Disney to make a soup, chili or stew, a dessert & a drink. We will serve the congregation after church & ask for donations. We normally do really well on these lunches, esp. on a cold day! Everyone will be needed to help clean up. I had a gun offered for a raffle, which I think would be awesome, but I just want to make sure ok w/ the church. I think that was done one time before but I’ll feel better if I double check.  I also forgot to mention that in Disney we will have a devotional time each day. We will not be required to hang out together but I can tell you the kids & adults who did last time had a great time together. I’ll never forget all those kids in the log going down a hill together & Judson being so scared he bit Jami or watching Fantasmic & having to keep Morgan Martin under control before she let the drinker & cusser in front of us have it or praying together in the Animal Kingdom for Mrs. Carr. This is a trip you don’t want to miss. If you have questions message me!!! There is just something about being in a group!  Don’t sit there and think you can’t handle that much of a trip. I was pregnant with Jack & managed just fine… except for the ride I didn’t realize was a shake me up ride & momma & Alicia Garmon’s Mom held me in my seat praying Jack wouldn’t be shook too bad. Lucky, he didn’t come on after that ride! So just let me know what yall think?
Please remember the Mayos as they travel this week. Please remember Mom as she has the heart cath Friday. Pray that we hear God’s call and that we listen and follow His plans for our church & our own lives in 2014.

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