I rarely stress but the musical is the kind of stuff I stress over. I dreamed I broke my ankle last night and could not decorate the stage. I know is am crazy. I hope you all will use the musical to invite others to church. It is sometimes hard to invite someone straight out to preaching and it is hard for someone not in a church to sometimes accept an invite to preaching but it is so much easier to get them to come to a play, a meal or an activity like Trunk or Treat. This is your chance to ask that coworker, neighbor or that family member. Use your child!!!! Get them to ask that person to come see them in the musical. People rarely turn a child down. Just think.. Coming to a Christmas play might be the only time in the month of December that people hear about Jesus and the story of His birth. How awesome would it be if you invite someone and their life was changed because the seed was planted hearing kids sing about Jesus? So get up, email, text or do the old fashion telephone call and invite that person. Don't procrastinate! I would also like for you to be in prayer for the children this week. So many of our kids get so scared when they get on the stage. Pray for their nerves and anxieties. Praise them as they go thru this week. Make sure they know that they are serving Jesus when they participate in activities like this. They are working for the glory of His kingdom. Isn't that awesome!!!! Thank you Parents for letting your kids participate. I need to give a huge thank you to Ashley for her willingness to lead the musical. If it wasn't for her, the kids would have to hear me sing which results in a lot of laughs and jokes about me!
I have FREE Breakfast with Santa tickets so see me Wednesday or Sunday to get them. The last day to get a ticket is Sunday, December 14. The breakfast Is Saturday, December 20, 8:30.
The church will ring the Salvation Army bell at the Gadsden Mall, Monday, December 22 from 10am-8pm. Let me know if you would like to work a 1 hour time slot.
Thank you for the many prayers, texts and messages during my trip and over Thanksgiving. I needed a break and had Mom on my mind. I felt the prayers and we had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Please continue to remember all our church families who have lost loved ones, who have very sick loved ones and who are just struggling with this time of year. Please remember Brandon Patterson in your prayers. Of course, lift up Holli and Lane too. Pray for the Mayos as they travel home this week. I am sure they will be so thrilled to get here and spend time with their families. I look forward to seeing how much the kids have grown. Their time here will be precious so we need to pray that they have some travel grace and everything runs smooth and timely for them. You know after being gone from the U.S. that they don't want to sit on a plane stuck who knows where because of weather.
I know I forgot something so if you think of it let me know. I hope you all have a great start to December!!
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