Monday, November 17, 2014

Good Monday Morning! I hope your week has started off great! I heard several people say yesterday's church service was the best they had experienced in a long time  and some said the best service they ever experienced. That is awesome! I love it when you feel God's spirit moving in the church. Well while the adults were worshipping the Kidz Zone was full of kids practicing for our Christmas musical. We had a great practice and another great practice last night too. I sent CDs home with the kids last night so please pick one up this Wednesday if your child did not get theirs. Unfortunately, the cd is a split track (no musical talent or knowledge on my end so just trust me and know that a split track is confusing to me) so you'll have to figure out which tracks have the full songs or ask Ashley.. She knows the music stuff. Let me clarify this weeks practices. Wednesday night we will be upstairs in the Kidz Zone practicing from 6-7. As soon as church is over for the adults we will move to the stage until 8:00. The choir will be at  Riverbend practicing for the community Thanksgiving and we need stage time so this helps us out. So Wednesday night practice will be from 6-8. Sunday the kids will practice during Children's Church but there will be NO Sunday afternoon practice due to the Community Thanksgiving. There will be no practice Wednesday, November 26 because we will not have church. Sunday, November 30, we will practice from 4:00-6:00, on the stage, Wednesday, December 3, we will practice 5:30-7:00 on the stage( I know 5:30 pushes people if you work later so drop the kids off when you can). Regular Wednesday night preaching will be in the fellowship hall so we can have more stage time. So basically we have about 3 practices left... Not much time at all. The dress rehearsal will be Friday night, December 5, from 6:00-9:00 so parents go ahead and plan for a FREE evening with no kids!!! The kids will have a pizza supper that night and snacks. The musical will be Sunday, December 7, 6pm. Your child will need to be at church fully dressed by 5:00. Parents, if you have not been told what your child needs to wear for the play please dress them in festive Christmas attire.. The flashier, the brighter, the better. I have costumes for the kids who are in the nativity. I think that is it for the musical. Just please make every attempt to have your child at practice.

Breakfast with Santa will be Saturday, December 20 from 8:30-10:00 in the gym. I will have a limited number of tickets available starting Sunday, November 30.

Monday, December 22, from 10-8, WBBC will be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at the Gadsden Mall. As soon as I get the musical behind us, I'll begin signing families up for 1 hour slots.

Thank you for all the prayers,  birthday wishes and kids cards yesterday.  I had a very tough week leading up to my birthday knowing it would be my first one in 42 years without my mother. I really wanted to stay home yesterday curled up in my bed feeling sorry for myself but God gets us thru the difficult times and placed wonderful family, special comments, great moments, and brownie pie with homemade fudge sauce in my day. I was sitting in practice last night, listening to kids sing, and reflected back, just for a moment, on how blessed I am. It was a good day!

I hope you have a fabulous week and reflect on how blessed you really are! Even if we have nothing and nobody, we have God!

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