Let me start over & have a redo on the Trunk or Treat. To begin with it is probably WBBC’s largest event for the community. Let me give you the basics & then I’ll fill in with the needs. Everything is free to those who come. Families come and enjoy grilled hot dogs, chili , popcorn & drinks. We sell baked items & that money goes to a cause each year. The kids wander around from trunk to trunk getting candy. Church members dress up in costumes & dress their trunks up…. Or you can chose to wear your regular clothes & not dress up your trunk. It is entirely up to you. You bring candy for your trunk but we always have extra because more than likely you will run out. We have carnival games set up and the youth run those. Kids will get candy or a prize at each game. The gym will have 3 small inflatables for the smaller kids & 1 very large inflatable outside for the big kids. There is also a real train that runs for little ones. We have a hayride too. Jami will have whatever night game is going on the big screen outside the fellowship hall. There will also be a sign in table for people to register to win door prizes. The date is October 26 from 6-8 but those doing a trunk, game or bringing food need to be at church by 4:30 because we need to be set up & eat before people arrive & they will arrive early.
So let me get to the needs now that I was unorganized in the meeting. I need 2 men to volunteer to watch kids in the gym & 2 to watch the kids on the outside inflatable. Kids tend to get wild on those & we do not want anyone to get hurt. Tim McKee volunteered to put the signs up so that is done. I need someone to volunteer to work the sign in table. I need someone to volunteer to work the popcorn machine. I’ll have the supplies you just pop, bag & hand out. I need youth to volunteer to work the games. I’ll need some men the Wed. night before T or T to help bring games down from the upstairs. Teresa Coley has a list for those who want to make a pot/crockpot full of chili & Megan Williams has the bake sale list. Get with them if you can help with those items. I will need hay at a cheap price. If you know anyone who can help with that let me know. We use a good bit for decorating & the hayride. I need mums & pumpkins cheap too so if anyone knows a good price on those, let know. We do have a budget to buy things but by the time you order inflatables & a train that knocks out a large portion of it so I need to be cheap on the decorations. Lol Other items we need donated are bags of candy, hot dog buns & 2 L drinks. If you want to purchase any of those you are welcome to just leave them in the gym. . Setting up…. Lots of help needed! I’ll be at church Friday night trying to decorate inside & outside & then Saturday trying to pull out stuff we couldn’t leave out over night. I think that covers it. Sorry I am never clear when I have to talk in front of a crowd so that is why I am redoing!! Lol If you have questions please contact me. Don’t stay home that night! Our church will be packed & you’ll see someone you know & then you’ll have a chance to invite them back for regular church! If you stayed for the meeting thanks so much!
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