I asked God to give me something to put in the blog this morning & the topic that keeps popping out to me this morning is marriage. I know I have talked on this some many posts back but it looks like you get another dose of it today. On the radio this morning they were talking about wives being submissive to their husbands and husbands being the leader of the home. The Bible tells us in Ephesians5:22-24 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church ;and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. The radio station was receiving calls on this and of course many people had very different opinions just as some of us would. People questioned should a woman be submissive if the husband is not leading his home as a Christian and of course there are women who think they should never submit to a man because it takes away our rights. I am not going to argue or try to persuade any side on this. What I do want to do is encourage you in your marriage. Marriage is tough and it takes a serious commitment. This world makes it easy to cheat, lie & divorce but if you turn to God he will make your marriage stronger. From a woman’s perspective, you have got to be in prayer for your husband. He might be lost or he might be a true Christian leader of your home, either way he needs prayer. He needs lots of prayer! The crazy commercials we all see on TV show half naked women and constant drinking & partying. You can’t watch one sporting event without being enticed by the images. This world encourages men to live it up and only think about what feels good and to live in the moment. Sin and evilness are all around. So as a wife you need to be in prayer for your husband. If he is lost you need to be in constant prayer that he finds Jesus and that you can be an example of what a Godly woman looks like. If your husband is a Christian and a true leader of your home pray for him because the devil wants to bring him down. The devil wants him to struggle at work, struggle with finances, struggle with communication with you, struggle finding time to spend with his children. The devil wants him to feel like a failure & wonder why trying to do right is worth it. As a wife, you can help with all those situations. Pray that evilness and sin stay away from your husband, pray that his friends are other Christian men, pray that if he has men friends who are not Christians that they are removed from his path until their hearts are changed by God, pray that he feels like he really accomplished something at work today, pray that his eyes and heart remain faithful to you & pray that he handles the stress of this world by turning to God in prayer. If your marriage isn’t where you feel it should be pray about it. Don’t forget to lift your husband up! Use words that encourage him. Tell him how great he is, tell him how you depend on him for this and that, tell him you saw how well he responded to such and such situation. We all want to be encouraged and praised. I have told yall about the book Jami bought me, “The Power of a Praying Wife.” It is a great resource to guide you in prayer. Don’t walk away from this thinking Kristi must think she has the perfect marriage or knows all about being married because I don’t. We are just a regular old family, trying to make it in this crazy world. What I have learned over time is prayer helps in every situation that can come to your family. So ladies, I am challenging you today to start praying for your husband. If you already pray a little for them, I challenge you to pray harder. If you are a man reading this blog, guess what? Your wife needs prayer to because the devil is coming after her just like he is trying to get to you! Make it your morning ritual… pray for your spouse when you pray for your children! Ok done preaching now! If you want to borrow my book it is awesome!
Wasn’t it great to start of the service with a baptism yesterday? That sight never gets old to me.
There is so much going on at church in the next few months. Big City Studio this Wed. night for the children. Katie Smith & Teresa Coley will be leading that. The new children’s class started off great last Wed. night with 3 kids & the 3 workers. I pray that class will continue to grow. I know Ashley, Courtney & Donna all enjoyed the class. Beth Moore is Saturday and I know many have put in lots of hard work to make this happen at WBBC. I think it will be a great day! I am actually in my pink WBBC shirt right now! I saw Shay in hers this morning too. Sunday is “National Go Back to Church” day so get out an invite someone to church. Let’s pack the church out! We are having a great guest speaker during preaching who has been quoted to say,”He runs touch downs for the Lord now.” There will be no children’s church Sunday because I think the children can benefit from our speaker. There will be a trunk or treat meeting right after church Sept. 22 for anyone interested in helping. Wbbc’s 100th year celebration is coming up October 13 & then Trunk or Treat will be Oct. 26. Pray for each of these outreaches that God places people in our path who need a church family & who need a place to worship our Lord. Keep Amy Clark & her family in prayer this week, Katie Smith & her family and don’t forget to pray for those husbands!! Have a blessed week!
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