Let me start by saying anything I blog about is never directed at anyone in particular. I was asked a few weeks ago if my blog or something I had put on FB (like a video) was meant for a certain person & to be completely honest it never is. Most of the time I never know what I am going to talk about until I sit down at the computer. I come across many videos & links looking at children ministry material and some of those stick out to me so I post them. There has been a time when a theme lingers with me and I’ll run with that theme but for the most part I type as I think & of course just ramble a lot of the time. This has been one of those weeks where the theme lingered. I was studying the other day and the verse I was going to teach in SS just stuck with me. I think y’all know by now I do not believe in luck. I believe everything I come across, run into, bump into is an act of God. He directs it all. The verse comes from Proverbs 20:11 and says, “Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.” I told my SS children yesterday that means our actions is what people know us by. So the question became, “what do your actions say about you?’ Think hard on that on folks. The lesson went on to say people remember actions not your words. So what do your actions show? If I say, “OH, I never drink!” but you see me leaving the Shell station with a case of beer, what do my actions show & what are you going to remember? You are going to remember you saw your child’s SS teacher with a case of beer. If I say, “Oh I just love children and would love to have more.” But yet you hear me hollering, screaming and beating on my children all the time, what action are you going to remember. You are going to remember me hollering, screaming & beating my children & you’re going to think man she doesn’t need to have any more kids. If you hear me say ,”how much I love Jami” but yet you hear me talking down to him, ordering him around and basically dogging him out in front of others then you are going to think I really don’t care for him at all. I know these are extreme examples but they are what they are. If I say I love the Lord and love to worship Him but you never see me at church………… what are you going to think about my LOVE for the Lord? Probably that I don’t have too much LOVE for Him. So our actions are what others see and what they remember. Of course with the children I used much more kid friendly ways to say all of that. Let me give an example of Christian actions. Yesterday in SS I asked a child to read the Bible verse, actually I was going down the row asking all to read it. I go to one child who said he didn’t want to read it & that is definitely fine, but you could just tell he really wanted to but was unsure about himself. Another little boy said come on____, you can do it. I know you can & when the child read the verse that same little boy told him how great he did. Those encouraging, lifting up actions showed me what was in that little boy’s heart. He could have laughed and giggled even made fun of the other child for not wanting to read but instead he encouraged & praised the other child. I thought about that act of kindness and love all night. As usual, I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to actions not always being the best, so I am definitely not throwing stones. I reflect bad actions too sometimes, we all do, but I know with God in my heart I show many more good actions. So today, reflect on your life, reflect on how you are living and really pray hard on it. Question is your actions pure and right? If not God will convict you, you’ll feel a little nudge or tug from Him. You know what is right or wrong. Ok sermon done…now for the kid stuff!
This Wednesday night Katie Smith will teach on missions. Please have your children at church for this lesson. Katie will also be encouraging the children to collect school supplies for the school that Joey is always talking about. This is a real need! Sunday, August 18 we will not have children’s church because we will stay in preaching to have a special back to school prayer. Wednesday August 21, Teresa Coley will lead games & a devotion for all kids except those who have just gone into 6th grade. Those children will meet me at 5:45 & go out to eat for a final send off into youthL. Wednesday, August 28 will be our “Back to School Blowout” Celebrating the fact that we made it thru the 1st week of school. In September, we will be back to learning in the ‘Big City Studio”. The 1st Sunday in September will be move up day in the children & youth departments. September will have some great opportunities for our church to welcome new folks in. Of course, I always want children invited to church so step out & invite someone to the “Big City’. Women have a chance to invite someone to the Beth Moore simulcast on Sept. 14 & Sunday Sept. 15 is national “Get Back to Church” Sunday. Don’t let these opportunities go to waste. Get out an invite someone to church. Fall will be full of great fellowship at WBBC. We have the Old Fashion Day & Trunk or Treat in October, Community Thanksgiving in November and the children’s Christmas play in December. I will be asking for children’s church volunteers for Sundays soon so be in prayer about helping with that. I am still looking for someone to teach the 4 & 5 yr. olds on Wednesday nights from 6-7. Ashley Fortenberry has agreed to help but I really need 1 or 2 others to step up and help. The church will provide all the materials. Be in prayer for that need please! Please keep the children in your prayers as school starts. They face so much in school and need all the prayer they can get. Say a special pray for those who move up to the middle school this year. Going from 1 school knowing everyone to a combined school possibly having classes w/ nobody you know, w lockers & changing classes is a big deal to these kids so please pray for them. RMS children go get lockers tomorrow and it can be so stressful on those 1st timers. I believe our Westbrook children got their lockers last week. Keep Haley Smith and her family in your prayers. I also wanted to thank each of you who brought food, helped set up, serve and cleanup for Brenda Jones’ family. Those actions shown yesterday are what I am talking about in the words above. There was a need and you opened your hearts and filled that need yesterday. Love was shown to Chris and Courtney and that is what having Jesus in your heart reflects. Continue to pray for the Jones and Tanner families. I hope you all have the most blessed week & enjoy the last week of summer vacation for most of us.
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