I decided to get productive this morning & clean so I thought I would turn on the radio thru the computer. I don’t know all the terms but I think it is called streaming. Anyway, I had my station up ready to go & realized someone had taken my speakers, so now there was no way for me to hear the music. Of course, that made me think & yes I know I think of odd things but I was thinking we can sometimes be like the computer with no speakers. God steams what He needs to say into us but sometimes our ears & hearts are turned off. We can’t hear what He is saying. Life gets so busy, especially this time of year that we just don’t slow down to hear God. We think we have to get this outfit and those shoes for our kids, get them signed up for this sport or that art class and make sure we get that last quick trip in. I am so guilty too! I did the same thing on Friday. Had to make sure the boys had new shoes & a few outfits to start school off, planned out a quick trip, scheduled haircuts & discussed whether the boys were playing soccer this year, Judson needed to be signed up for guitar lessons & Jock for something at the Sports Zone. I gave the run done of what we needed to get and when we needed to get it and how much money it would cost to Jami & told the twins how much free time they had left until school started & what they had to get done when such as lockers & their hair apts. I explained to Jack about going to school this year and that his daddy will drop him off but I’ll be back to pick him up. I know Jack probably didn’t pay any attention to what I said but I always try to explain what ever changes we are going to have to the kids. I don’t like to just spur of the moment say ok you are going here or there. So I get the whole busy thing. I want to encourage you to look at your life, just as I am going to do with mine, and see if there is stuff in the way of you hearing God. Is there stuff in the way of your children hearing God? I want to encourage you as the new school year begins to declutter your life, put things in perspective and really try to listen to God. I also want to encourage you to go to get your family in Sunday school. Sunday school is where your child learns about God and where you develop relationships with other believers. I am going to be honest here & tell you that I get so down when I have a packed house on Wednesday night but 4 children in my Sunday school class. So as you get ready to start school in 2 weeks make plans with our family to start attending Sunday school. We have a class for everyone & like Joey says,” If we don’t we can make one.” So you know who teaches what age groups & can go ahead and tell your children who their teacher will be, here is a list.
Nursery is for newborns - 3 yrs. old & Glenda Southerland teaches them a lesson every Sunday.
Children 4 yrs. of age – 1st grade is taught by Leslie McGlaughn & Jennifer Deru
2nd Grade – 5th grade is taught by me.
6th grade – 8th grades is taught by Arlo & Jennie Guthery
9th grade – 12th grades is taught by Jason & Lauren Ayres
We offer several adult classes.
We have 3 classes taught for ladies only. Those classes are taught by Allison Williams, Sue Johnson & Mary Pruitt.
We have 2 classes for just men taught by Tom Coley or Brent Lawley and the other by Bruce Carr.
Last but most defiantly not least is the co ed class taught by Todd and Jenny Clough. This class is made up of couples and singles with mixed ages.
If you are an adult come try one of the classes. If you don’t feel like it is the right class for you, try another. I know we have a perfect fit for you @ WBBC.
So now that I plead my case for Sunday school I pray you will make time for it this year. I want to see my Sunday school class full!
I am not going to say what we will be doing this Wednesday night because I really don’t know. I had the park scheduled but I forgot the youth would be gone with the van. I hate to even say we are doing anything outside because it seems to rain every outside plan I make out. So just show up Wednesday night & see. I know we will have devotion & do something fun. I do know that Wednesday August 14th Katie Smith will teach missions. The children will be collecting school supplies that night so please bring in anything extra you can. I believe those supplies are going to the school Joey always mentions during preaching or business meetings. WMU is also collecting school supplies for the mission center. Wednesday, August 21 the children who just finished 5th grade & are going into youth will meet at the church at 5:45 to go out for supper. They do not need any money. This is a farewell treat from the children’s dept. The girls chose yesterday to go to Zaxby’s and we will be back by 7:00. The other children will have game night lead by Teresa Coley from 6-7. As we finish August up Wednesday, the 28th will be ”We made it thru a week of school Blowout.” We’ll celebrate the 1st week and a half of school, have devotion and send our 6th graders off into the youth with a bang. Remember we are looking for a new Wednesday night class to form for kids who are about 3 ½ thru 5 yrs. old. Ashley Fortenberry has agreed to help with this class but I would like to get 2 more ladies that way if one person is out they are still covered w/ 2 adults. If you feel lead to help with this class please let me know. This is a real need in our church this year. Focus on God and listen to Him…He might be telling you to step up and minister to our children for Him!
Please continue to pray for Brenda Jones and her family Chris, Courtney, Ethan & John Wyatt. Haley Smith ( last week I said McVeigh) is at Children’s as I type so please remember her today and her family, Dale & Lauren McVeigh & Kelsie, continue to pray for the Ayres as they are touching lives in China and of course the youth mission team who left out this morning for North Carolina. I pray that they touch lives while they are gone, show love to everyone they come in contact with & that they have safe travels plus a great time together. Pray for Joey this week as he preaches a revival. I hope hearts are open to receiving God’s word.
Finally, there will be a lot going on at WBBC the next few months. The Beth Moore Simulcast in September, Old Fashion Day in October which I think is the church’s 100th anniversary (I might have dreamed that up) and the Trunk or Treat towards the end of October. Get involved with one of these events and get out an invite people to your church! I hope you all have the absolute best week. I hope you slow down & listen to God’s call on your life!
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