Exhaustion! I know that is what some of you, probably most of you, are feeling today after working VBS all week. Isn’t it a good exhaustion? I hope you feel it is. You all should be so proud of the work you did for God’s Kingdom this week. Each of you worked so hard at your particular job and I am so proud of our work. I am so proud of the way our VBS family welcomed in children & parents to the church. You showed so much kindness, patience & love to them. I am so thankful to God because I know He directed each of your paths to where He planned for each of you to be; at WBBC! I haven’t talked about this in a long time but I just don’t believe in luck. I believe God has a plan for each of us before we are even born. He knew who would end up at WBBC, He knew who would volunteer to work & what job they would do, He knew what child would be saved; He knew what VBS program Allison would decide on. There is nothing God doesn’t know. So if you are dealing with something, worried about something or just don’t have your life straight with God….He knows that too. At VBS we ask the children to accept Jesus as their savior but VBS doesn’t just have to be about children. There might be an adult who needs God and found the love that He provides this week thru working or just showing up at VBS. If that is the case, I pray that you speak with Joey.
Tomorrow the children will sing & perform their VBS music for the church. Allison & I talked the other day about how once we all get in the sanctuary each year & the kids get on the stage, they freeze & are scared to move, then we adults, who shook their hineys all week, don’t won’t to dance because the rest of the church doesn’t. We want the excitement that was at VBS all week to show up Sunday. So the 1st few pews will be reserved for children & VBS workers, that way when the kids move out to dance all of us adults are still together & hopefully together we will not be scared to show our excitement. The children will be dancing everywhere not just the stage this year! Pray we have a great turn out tomorrow. The chance I had prayed for opened up for me & several others to have an opportunity to talk w/ the mom who had several little kids & they do not go to church. They are planning on coming tomorrow. THAT GETS ME SOOOOOO EXCITED! A family with NO CHURCH felt loved & welcomed in ours to come back day after day to VBS now they are planning on coming back to church Sunday! That is awesome & shows that VBS is essential to reaching out to the community & teaching children about Jesus. To God be the glory for all the work, all the families & all the possibilities of lives changed from VBS this past week.
Thank you to all who helped set the gym up last night for the lunch tomorrow. We still need lots of desserts! It will be another great day in God’s house. Allison Williams.... you are a rock star when it comes to directing VBS! It gets better each year & I wanted to thank you for the numerours hours you dedicated to Savannah Safari! Signing off until Monday to go celebrate & love on my birthday boy!
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