WOW is how I can describe last night. Everything fell together perfectly. I have had several texts this morning questioning our numbers. We had 61 children with a total of 115 because of the youth and adult workers. Last year those numbers were in the 80’s w/ 40 something children, I was excited because out of the 61 children we had many 1st time visitors. What a blessing to know that we had so many adults and youth show up to help out. I was so proud of the 1st time youth helpers. This yr. they have really grown & matured and you could see that last night as they helped lead groups around or worked on music & crafts. I was so tickled when my boys and their friend Drew got in the car last night. I asked them what jobs they had & they told me and they were so happy! They said they really liked what they did. Some of these youth might be future SS teachers, adult VBS leaders or preachers and I think it is great they get to serve now & see how great it feels to do God’s work! We had awesome adult workers too. The kitchen ladies send food out so quickly & efficiently & do it with a smile. Tonight’s menu is spaghetti & they do a great job preparing it year after yr. After they feed all of us, they manage to prepare snacks for everyone & have the kitchen spotless by the time we are all finished. They seriously work!
Each night the lesson is taught by someone different. I was the teacher last night. I told Allison yesterday that I get a lesson every year that really pertains to me. I know God does that on purpose! My lesson was on the Good Samaritan and how we are supposed to love our neighbor. “Neighbor” means everyone not just the sweet family that lives next to my home. My Bible verse came from Galatians 5:14; the entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself. If we lived this verse out in every thought, speech, action we made what a different place this world will be. So I am going to try to live this verse out more and I encourage you to do the same.
Now we have 4 more night of VBS left. There is still plenty of time for children to come who haven’t yet. If you didn’t get to know some of the adults last night, there is still time for fellowship. If you didn’t get to see Bruce Benefield dance…well that might have been a once in a lifetime experience because I bet his teenage son Hunter advised him not to dance ever again!! Lol Great VBS, great memories! Let’s pray we have some children ask Jesus into their hearts this week! No matter what…. The seed has been planted!
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