Monday, July 29, 2013

Change in Schedule

I can’t believe summer is almost gone. Only 3 more weeks left until all my boys are in school. Going to be really weird not having Jack home all day with me but he has to grow up & preschool is part of the process so I’ll deal with it, but I am excited for him.  I don’t have anything profound to say today or thought provoking which I guess is normal for this blog. I think we just need to be in prayer this week for so many church families who are hurting or struggling. I believe the Spirit of God was really moving in our church yesterday & I know He heard the prayers, the pleas and the cries.
If you look at the children’s schedule you’ll notice we are supposed to go to the park this Wed. but the youth are having a swim party & they will need the van to transport students so I am going to rearrange our schedule.
This Wed. night July 31 will be “Water Wednesday”. We will have devotion & play water games from 6-7.
 August 7, We will go to the park in RBC leave church at 5:45, arrive back at 7:00
 August 14 Missions lead Katie Smith
August 21 “Game Night” lead by Teresa Coley for all the children except for the ones who are about to move up to youth. This will be their dinner outing replacing Aug 14.  Those children need to be at church by 5:30 & will arrive back at 7:00.  “Game Night” will be 6-7.
August 28 “We made it thru a week of School Blow Out”.  We’ll have a time of devotion and prayer for the school year, celebrate the 1st week and a half of school & send our 6th graders off with a bang.
“Big City Studio” will be back for Wednesday nights in September.
As this summer comes to a close & the new school year begins I wanted to share a few needs in the children’s dept. We have a group of about 5 children who range between 3 ½ -5 yrs. of age who are too old for the nursery but not quiet old enough to understand the lessons in “Big City Studio”. I would like to see them have their own class w/ age appropriate lessons, crafts & active music videos. The church will provide the materials the class needs but only God can provide those who feel lead to teach.  We need several dedicated & faithful people to step into this role.  I would really like to see 3 people in this class, that way if one person had to be out 2 could still teach & watch the children well.  Ashley Fortenberry feels lead to help with this class. Be in prayer for 2 others to come forward & lead this group.  I don’t have a lot of experience musically… let me rephrase that I can’t sing a lick, can’t read music, I don’t even know what the chorus part looks like but I try really hard to work w/ the children on a Christmas program. I would love for someone to be on the lookout for a great Christmas play, not too elaborate but with a powerful meaning & then to help me w/ the music part. I would love someone to also help w/ decorating ideas for the play. So if you have a background in these areas please step forward! Lol I am also in need to a USED electric blower for our children’s dept. Be in prayer for the children’s dept. as we move into this school year. I pray that every activity we do brings us a chance to share Jesus with others.
Thank you to those who helped with the Lock In. Great nights are not possible without volunteers. I had many parents who stayed late into the night. Teresa Coley & Amy Martin spent the whole night with me along with 4 youth who were very helpful.  We had several visitors from VBS & some children who haven’t had a chance to visit w/ us outside of regular church hours. It was a great night!
Be in prayer for the youth mission trip as they head out next week, Haley McVeigh & her family & many unspoken requests. Randy looks like he is going well & Allison’s mom is too! Thank God for those blessings! I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, July 22, 2013

A New Week

Well it’s Monday & VBS is over so I am back to my regular old Monday posts. I don’t know about you all but after lunch yesterday I was exhausted. Once home I found my couch and did not move from it until late last night & that was only to answer the door for the pizza girl. I still had my VBS t shirt on & she questioned me about where I went to church & what VBS we had done. I asked her if she went to church somewhere & she did. She was actually from another county. It is great when a tshirt prompts questions about church.
Yesterday morning was awesome. I thought our kids did a great job performing. I love it anytime the band gets a chance to perform. I know Arlo was nervous but he did great singing. I know the sounds brought joy to God! It was am awesome week.  I know some think a successful VBS comes from how many children were saved & of course, we do want children saved but remember that you have to plant the seed first. I feel like we really planted some seeds at VBS. God will do the sowing. 
This is a new week with new plans but let’s not lose that excitement that was with VBS. We should take that excitement & build on it & get out and continue to invite people to church, show love & share about Jesus. So this Wed. night the children will have devotion & game night. Then Friday night brings the LOCK IN for children kindergarden thru 5th grade. The lock in begins at 7pm. We will eat, play some games, load the van & cars at 8:15 to go to the Sports Zone for a night of olympic style games, leave there at 12:30 & go back to church for movies & popcorn. Pick up will be 7 am. The children need to bring a sleeping bag or cover & a change of clothes. I will need parents to volunteer to help & yes you can sleep on a air mattress… or be like Allison William’s did one year & just bring a real mattress! LOL Don’t sit there & say, “oh no a lock in”, I know how a parents  mind works! I have not had a parent leave yet saying it was a horrible experience & they would never do it again. The parents always have fun! So make plans to come! Just go ahead right now & text me at 256-393-1063 & tell me to count you in that way you don’t have all week to think on it & decide against it! Lol Also, invite some kids!! Let your kids bring friends. Invite someone in your neighborhood or bring your grandkids. I am waiting right now on the texts!
Remember Randy in your prayers as he continues to improve, pray for Allison’s mom, Diane, as she has heart surgery Wed., Sherry Runyans mom is not doing well, keep Brenda Jones & Kathy Tullis in your prayers too. I know the Mayo’s have asked for prayer for today as they apply to have their visa’s extended. I am sure there is others I am missing or don’t know about…. But God does! I hope you have a wonderfully blessed week!
PS spell check is not working so sorry if I have a lot of mistakes!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Savannah Safari VBS DAY 5

Exhaustion! I know that is what some of you, probably most of you, are feeling today after working VBS all week.  Isn’t it a good exhaustion? I hope you feel it is. You all should be so proud of the work you did for God’s Kingdom this week.  Each of you worked so hard at your particular job and I am so proud of our work.  I am so proud of the way our VBS family welcomed in children & parents to the church. You showed so much kindness, patience & love to them. I am so thankful to God because I know He directed each of your paths to where He planned for each of you to be; at WBBC! I haven’t talked about this in a long time but I just don’t believe in luck. I believe God has a plan for each of us before we are even born. He knew who would end up at WBBC, He knew who would volunteer to work & what job they would do, He knew what child would be saved; He knew what VBS program Allison would decide on. There is nothing God doesn’t know. So if you are dealing with something, worried about something or just don’t have your life straight with God….He knows that too. At VBS we ask the children to accept Jesus as their savior but VBS doesn’t just have to be about children. There might be an adult who needs God and found the love that He provides this week thru working or just showing up at VBS. If that is the case, I pray that you speak with Joey. 
Tomorrow the children will sing & perform their VBS music for the church. Allison & I talked the other day about how once we all get in the sanctuary each year & the kids get on the stage, they freeze & are scared to move, then we adults, who shook their hineys all week, don’t won’t to dance because the rest of the church doesn’t.  We want the excitement that was at VBS all week to show up Sunday. So the 1st few pews will be reserved for children & VBS workers, that way when the kids move out to dance all of us adults are still together & hopefully together we will not be scared to show our excitement.  The children will be dancing everywhere not just the stage this year! Pray we have a great turn out tomorrow. The chance I had prayed for opened up for me & several others to have an opportunity to talk w/ the mom who had several little kids & they do not go to church.  They are planning on coming tomorrow. THAT GETS ME SOOOOOO EXCITED! A family with NO CHURCH felt loved & welcomed in ours to come back day after day to VBS now they are planning on coming back to church Sunday! That is awesome & shows that VBS is essential to reaching out to the community & teaching children about Jesus. To God be the glory for all the work, all the families & all the possibilities of lives changed from VBS this past week.
Thank you to all who helped set the gym up last night for the lunch tomorrow. We still need lots of desserts! It will be another great day in God’s house.  Allison Williams.... you are a rock star when it comes to directing VBS! It gets better each year & I wanted to thank you for the numerours hours you dedicated to Savannah Safari!  Signing off until Monday to go celebrate & love on my birthday boy!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Savannah Safari VBS DAY 4

I am up super early this morning. My knees are aching again along with my arms. Maybe dancing w/ kids every night could be my motivation to get in shape! Anyway, I am up early because I have some things I must get done today. Jack turns 4 tomorrow & I haven’t bought him a gift or planned a party.  I have been such a slacker this time around but I’ll get it done.
VBS was great again last night. I have enjoyed the group of kids I have lead around and the adults & youth who have been a part of that group too. Deorio’s delivered pizza last night for supper & it was great. I believe tonight is grilled cheese so I know our kitchen ladies will be beat once tonight is over.  Thanks ladies for serving us all with smiles. I know everyone is tired but our church family has just pushed right on through the tiredness and showed love & patience with every child and each other. We have the best church family!
Well as some of you know by now, Wendy Benefield was the teacher last night. Wendy had the letter P. She came in the teaching hut in wearing a robe, with a crutch & bandaged up.  She was hilarious! The “Sick Woman” taught on prayer & how you can pray anytime. She explained to the children that prayer is just talking to God and that it doesn’t have to be anything special… just say what you need to say. She also explained that you can pray anywhere, your eyes do not have to be closed & nobody has to even know you are doing it. I talk to God all the time; especially when I am in the car and I love knowing my God doesn’t say my prayer has to be this way or that way. He hears me no matter what! Wendy did a great job! I believe Teresa Coley teaches tonight & I know she’ll do a great job too.
We had about 60 children last night & Around 50 adults. I give you those numbers each day just so you know how many people are impacted by VBS. The reason we do VBS is to plant the seed of Jesus. Of course, we want children to accept Jesus into their hearts during VBS but I always feel like if the seed of Jesus gets planted then we have done our job.  With great excitement I can say we did have one child ask Jesus into his heart! Praise God! Isn’t that just wonderful?
Tonight is our last night of VBS so I ask that you pray for the children. Pray that if there are children who have questions about Jesus they have the courage to step up and ask one of us & pray that any fear will be removed from them. Pray for the families who have come thru our doors and that those families have felt loved & welcomed this week.  Pray that if they don’t have a church they will visit with us at WBBC.  I am looking forward to tonight with great anticipation. I know God has another wonderful night in store for us.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Savannah Safari VBS DAY 3

Ok it’s Thursday morning & we have now finished the 3rd night of VBS. Who feels like they have been ran over by the WBBC “Crazy Bus” (The old white van)? I feel for those of you who have worked a full schedule this week, played softball, stayed at church late practicing in the band or whatever else you had on top of VBS. The great thing about being run over by the “Crazy Bus” is it is loaded down with children & we are doing God’s work! God will supply the strength we need to make it thru these last few days. A little funny, I was laying around yesterday & thought boy my arms sure are aching, then it hit me; the aches were because I was actually moving my arms during the dance time in ways that I don’t move them every day. My knees feel like they might blow out if they bend trying to “get down” anymore! Katelyn and Debbie were trying so hard to get down they both landed on the floor! Glad neither was hurt!!   Even though I am tired, I am having the best time and I know the children are too!
Last night WBBC was visited by the Chick-fil-a cow. He was a huge hit, unless you were a toddler. LOL I made lots of pics of children and adults & I wish I could figure out how to share them here. Most people love Chick-fil-a so last night was a yummy meal and I know the kitchen ladies appreciated a night of not cooking. Tonight we are going to be blessed by Deorio’s pizza! I already know that will be a hit too.
I believe Allison said we had 65 children last night & 54 adults and youth. I am not definite on those numbers like I have been on previous days. When she was telling me I was w/ a car full of kids, nowhere to write the info, esp. since I was driving, and there was so much chatter I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying. T shirts should come in today for those who did not get one Monday.
Last night’s teaching was on the letter L (feels like I am blogging for Sesame Street)…Lend a hand. Lauren Ayres did a great job teaching that as did Katie the night before. She taught about how there was a paralyzed man who needed to see Jesus and his friends helped him get to  Jesus by cutting a whole in a roof and lowering the man down into the house where Jesus was. Jesus healed the man. The friends were lending a hand. I really am loving this VBS because not only is it teaching stories about Jesus, it is teaching character traits that we all want our children to have; helping others, encouraging others & lending a hand to someone in need. I look forward to tonight’s lesson. Tonight we will be missing some of our men to softball so I need to wish them good luck. I know they need it!
I hope you are enjoying this week as much as I am. I know Joey is coming into the Sanctuary tonight to talk with the children about Salvation. As the week starts to wind down this is where children start to make the absolute most important decision of their lives, asking Jesus into their hearts. Pray for Joey as he delivers that message in a way children understand it. Pray for the children to have open hearts & ears and to be able to focus and pay attention to the message. Pray that when a child feels the knock on their heart that only Jesus provides they will have the courage to answer that call. Some children might be confused or have questions and that is definitely ok. Pray they have the courage to ask an adult. Pray for new families we have met this week. I know they felt love from us. Years ago June White gave WBBC the motto” a little church with a big heart”. I don’t know about little anymore but there is no other place with a heart as big as WBBC.
Last things; remember we have the lunch Sunday after church to end VBS. This is for the whole church. I need lots of desserts and drinks so if you can bring something please let me know. If you are an adult who plans on working the lock in next Friday night, July 26, please let me know that too. Plans are to come church at 7, eat, play a few games, then load up and go to the Sports Zone from 8:30p.m.-12:30am. , then back to the church to finish up the night. Many of you said you look forward to the blog and I appreciate that but when I look on my blog page it shows very few viewing it. Last week it only showed 3. So today, if you don’t mind, click like or make a comment so I know that it is being read. Not for my ego but so I really know because last week when I only saw 3 it made me think that nobody sees the kids info… in turn would have no idea of our events or upcoming events. Thanks so much for doing that! I love you all and I look forward to getting down with you all tonight! Oh and to Shay Layton & Wendy Benefield, Trevor & Hunter can boogie! I have known Tevor for many years now & I have never seen him shake his groove thing like he did last night & I guess Hunter took after his daddy! lol

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Savannah Safari VBS DAY 2

Another great night at VBS. The kitchen ladies outdid themselves on the spaghetti supper and the kids loved the ice cream sandwich snacks... Our theme is “Where kids discover how love H.E.L.P.S. others”. So each night there is a different lesson taught by a different teacher from the word H.E.L.P.S. Monday night I had H: Healing others hurt.  Last night Katie Smith taught the letter E: Encourage one another. As Christians we really do need encouragement from each other & I love it when I see a child encouraging another! The kids made a crown in crafts and played Simon Says in games. Of course it wasn’t a regular old game of Simon Says. Arlo leads the games & he showed the children how persistent the devil can be trying to get us to follow him. I said I taught a lesson on Monday night so I was not w/ a particular group of children, I had all children come thru the teaching hut, but last night Tom Coley & I lead around 24 children from kindergarten – 2nd grades. They were a great group of boys and girls. Leading a group around means you get to go to music/dance. I had a great time dancing & singing. The children love that part too! I have realized this week we have some men at church who like to get down! First it was Bruce & then I noticed Tom Coley really likes to dance too! Everyone just lets loose at VBS and that helps make it a great week!
We gained 5 more children last night & that is just wonderful! 5 more kids learning about Jesus & that is what it is all about! During the supper, I try to mingle around and talk to the children. I was at a table of kids who are visitors to WBBC. Monday night was their 1st time to come thru the doors. They are super sweet kids & the little girl just hugged on me & Allison last night & told me how glad she was to be back so…..I am talking w/ her & her brothers and I ask them do they go to church anywhere else; the little girl replied back to me,” yes we do.” Of course, I felt my heart sink because we do want new families in our church but we do not want to actively try to take them away from another church. So I asked her where they went and she smiled and said we go here!!! Pray for that family. Pray that Allison, me or any other adult can make a connection w/ the mother & encourage them to come back to church. I am looking forward to tonight with prayer for more children to come thru our doors. We have a special supper mooing into the church tonight, so the kitchen ladies get a little relief! I think the kids will be hoofing happy too! Keep us all in your prayers & Macy and Dru Fortenberry who are having their tonsils removed this morning! Those kids will be missed the rest of the week!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Savannah Safari VBS DAY 1

WOW is how I can describe last night. Everything fell together perfectly. I have had several texts this morning questioning our numbers. We had 61 children with a total of 115 because of the youth and adult workers. Last year those numbers were in the 80’s w/ 40 something children, I was excited because out of the 61 children we had many 1st time visitors. What a blessing to know that we had so many adults and youth show up to help out.  I was so proud of the 1st time youth helpers. This yr. they have really grown & matured and you could see that last night as they helped lead groups around or worked on music & crafts. I was so tickled when my boys and their friend Drew got in the car last night. I asked them what jobs they had & they told me and they were so happy! They said they really liked what they did. Some of these youth might be future SS teachers, adult VBS leaders or preachers and I think it is great they get to serve now & see how great it feels to do God’s work! We had awesome adult workers too. The kitchen ladies send food out so quickly & efficiently & do it with a smile. Tonight’s menu is spaghetti & they do a great job preparing it year after yr. After they feed all of us, they manage to prepare snacks for everyone & have the kitchen spotless by the time we are all finished. They seriously work!
Each night the lesson is taught by someone different. I was the teacher last night. I told Allison yesterday that I get a lesson every year that really pertains to me. I know God does that on purpose! My lesson was on the Good Samaritan and how we are supposed to love our neighbor. “Neighbor” means everyone not just the sweet family that lives next to my home.  My Bible verse came from Galatians 5:14; the entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself. If we lived this verse out in every thought, speech, action we made what a different place this world will be. So I am going to try to live this verse out more and I encourage you to do the same.
Now we have 4 more night of VBS left. There is still plenty of time for children to come who haven’t yet. If you didn’t get to know some of the adults last night, there is still time for fellowship. If you didn’t get to see Bruce Benefield dance…well that might have been a once in a lifetime experience because I bet his teenage son Hunter advised him not to dance ever again!! Lol Great VBS, great memories! Let’s pray we have some children ask Jesus into their hearts this week! No matter what…. The seed has been planted!

Monday, July 15, 2013

VBS 2013 Savannah Safari

I have to start off with a “hats off” to the band “ILB”.  Y’all did a great job yesterday & I am so thankful Jami had a chance to use those drums. Like Joey, I think it is great that we have a church family open to switching up the service every now and then.  I wanted to also tell Arlo, Jennie and the youth who helped w/ the lunch yesterday that they did a fantastic job. I know the work it takes to organize, put on & clean up a lunch and they did a great job with that not to mention that the BQ was delicious! Thank you to all who helped move tables and chairs back to the fellowship hall for VBS. I know we had some adults & youth who helped out & I really appreciate it.
This week will be extremely busy @ WBBC. Of course, we have Savannah Safari starting tonight.  The supper begins at 5:30 every night & I believe tonight is hot dogs. VBS is from 6-8:30.  Then we will end the week with the children singing their VBS songs Sunday during the worship hour and a great catered meal for the whole church to enjoy. I do need some women to volunteer to bring desserts for the meal.  If you have never been to VBS @ WBBC, this is a week you’ll never forget. Allison picks out the best music for the kids to worship & groove to, we have great games, lessons that really teach about the love of Jesus, fun crafts and great suppers & snacks. The Spirit of God was so strong in our church during VBS week last year and I know the Spirit of God is really going to be moving again this year. There is nothing like a child asking Jesus to come into their hearts and that is what this week is all about. I am so thankful and blessed to be a part of a church that places such great importance on children. Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:14 not hinder the children from coming to Him. WBBC welcomes children! I know Allison has worked so hard for this week to happen & I am so thankful God had plans to bring her to WBBC!! I have said over and over this is my favorite week at church. I have enjoyed the decorating & fellowshipping w/ the ladies while we worked and I know I am going to enjoy more fellowshipping as we go thru this week. I have been blessed to make wonderful friendships at church and I hope you find that this week too. This week offers a chance for us adults to get to know each other better, laugh, sing and dance together. These are memories you’ll never forget. I hope you enjoy this week as much as I do. This is also a kind of different VBS for me.  This is the 1st time since the twins were 2 that they haven’t actually been taught at VBS. This time they have volunteered to help along w/ many other youth. They are looking forward to being helpers. This excites me because as a parent who has worked in the church now for many years I have hoped my boys would carry on that desire. So for now they do want to volunteer. As they age, I know the statistics are not in my favor for that desire to continue, but I know I have lead by example and if they get out of church, lose touch with God, they will eventually find their way back to Him. I know this without a shadow of doubt. I know they have been saved and I know Jesus dwells in their hearts. I am also excited for Jack. It seems just like yesterday that I was pregnant with him & it was right around VBS. I couldn’t help that yr. and I was so sad. Fast forward 4 yrs. later and Jack gets out of the nursery class this yr. and gets to go into a group. He is going to just love it!! I look forward to the day he asks Jesus to come into his heart. I guess I have rambled enough. VBS just brings out a lot of emotion in me. Please continue to pray for all the workers of VBS, especially Allison, pray for the children that come thru our doors, pray that their hearts will be open to hearing about Jesus, pray for their parents and just pray that anyone in earshot of the message this week, that doesn’t know Jesus will turn their life over to Him.  There is still time to invite children so get out there and invite someone!! Oh And I’ll probably post every day this week due to VBS!! I am expecting great things!

Monday, July 8, 2013

More For July!

Multi-tasking today, so this is going to be short and quick. So busy I forgot it was Monday & that I do the blog that day!! This Wed. night the children are going to sing at the Southside assisted living home. Not even going to say the name since I messed that up in preachingL. We need to be at church by 5:30 to run over the 2 songs we are singing. Even if your child doesn’t know the songs, send them anyway. They can lipsynch! Hopefully, we will have so many kids that I need parents to help drive them there. I would love a few parents to go along anyway. We will be back by 7.  I am working on VBS shirts today too. The shirts have been ordered but trying to get the graphics right.  My plan is to have them back by Friday & I’ll pass them out Sunday at church. We need to wear them on the 1st night of VBS.  Allison is planning on decorating tomorrow at church for VBS. Get with her if you can help! I know VBS will be great this yr… it always is!  Be in prayer for the children who will walk thru our door, be in prayer for Allison as she leads us, for the workers in the kitchen, the teachers, those in the craft room, the game leaders, the music leaders,  & the youth who have stepped up to help.  I have placed ads in the Etowah Baptist, The Messenger, Gadsden Times, various radio stations, ordered signs that should go up today and a digital ad will start running Wed.  on the big billboard in Southside. All of that is great advertising but it is nothing like word of mouth… we need you to invite kids, tell parents at work, tell your neighbors and let your kids call and invite kids from school. The first time the boys ever invited a friend was back in 1st grade. David Bachus & Judson were in the same class & the boys wanted to invite him to VBS. I let them ask & David Bachus is still at WBBC and is in the youth now. So let your kids invite friends!! One other thing I wanted to tell you about is the LOCK IN. It is July 26, 7 pm. I told the kids I wanted us to have an outing at this lock in since it is during the summer so…… an outing we have! We will leave the church and go to the Sports Zone in RBC from 8:30- 12:30 for a night of games & Olympic style activities then back to the church for a late night movie & popcorn! We will eat dinner at the church before we leave.  I will need parents to volunteer to help that night & drive kids to & from the Sports Zone. This is another great chance to invite a child to church! Have a blessed week & I hope to see everyone Wed. night as we take the love of Jesus on the road!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


It’s July! The end of June was so full of sickness so maybe July will be a new start with months of good health and healing for our church family. July is packed full but before I get right too it I have to say I just love my church. I don’t know how everyone else feels but I just fill up with happiness when I am at WBBC. I can’t help but smile. God is always there and I feel Him every week! I hope you do too.
So I said July is packed full and I meant it. This Wed. night we will not have regular church but we will meet at 7 pm for homemade ice cream, snacks & fireworks. It seems like there is very little time at church to just talk and hang out with each other so this should be a great night for that. Just enjoying each other’s company! This would be a great night to invite a friend too! Hint hint parents with kids!! Next Wed. night July 10, the children’s dept. will be going to the assisted living home in Southside to sing & take fruit baskets. I know I’ll need some parents to help get kids there & to chaperone once we are inside. We are only singing 2 songs, Jesus Loves Me (the song we did not get to do at the Mother’s Day program) & If You Are Happy. All the kids know these songs so please bring them to participate that night. We will load up at 5:45.  Remember the youth BQ fundraiser lunch Sunday July 14. They are having BQ sandwiches, chips & drinks. Donations for lunch go to the youth mission trip. Then the BEST WEEK IN THE YEAR starts July 15- July 19……SAVANNAH SAFARI VBS!! WOO HOO. Supper will be served at 5:30 then VBS will be 6-8:30. Get out and invite some kids, volunteer to help with VBS or be in prayer for the hearts that walk thru WBBC’s doors. We want to see kids learn about Jesus, trust in Jesus, build a relationship with Jesus and know that with Him in their hearts heaven is assured! After a week full of blessings, which is what you can expect at VBS, we will end with the kids performing their music on Sunday July 21 during our worship service. After the service everyone is invited to the gym for a FREE lunch. Tony’s will cater the lunch with chicken fingers, baked beans, corn and Mac & cheese. I need people to volunteer to make desserts. Then on July 26, we will have the LOCK IN. I’ll have more info on that as we get closer.
As of right now Randy should be in surgery, Wendy Benefield is waiting for some lab work to come back on Hunter, and there are many people in our church hurting. Remember Kendra as she gets better, Melissa McKee as she heals, Brenda Jones and her family as Brenda continues to fight her illness, Amy Clarks’s Mom as she deals with her sickness too, and Allison’s Mom, who will be having heart surgery July 24.  I am sure I am missing someone but those are the ones I can think of right now. The devil likes to bring us down, tries to put obstacles in our way to derail us from doing God’s work but with God on our side we will overcome, So let’s lift our church family up in  prayer, and pray that the devil doesn’t find penetrating those old block walls an easy task at WBBC. I also want to welcome the Vice’s to WBBC!! They are very sweet people. Keep Wayne in your prayers as he leads the choir. He’ll do a great job for us and Jenny was great yesterday! Yall have a great July and I hope to see everyone Wed. night. 

PS….Joey just sent me a text and he will be cooking hotdogs Wed. night, so now we have hot dogs, ice cream, snacks & fireworks…… now if someone would get us a hayride together J