I can’t believe summer is almost gone. Only 3 more weeks left until all my boys are in school. Going to be really weird not having Jack home all day with me but he has to grow up & preschool is part of the process so I’ll deal with it, but I am excited for him. I don’t have anything profound to say today or thought provoking which I guess is normal for this blog. I think we just need to be in prayer this week for so many church families who are hurting or struggling. I believe the Spirit of God was really moving in our church yesterday & I know He heard the prayers, the pleas and the cries.
If you look at the children’s schedule you’ll notice we are supposed to go to the park this Wed. but the youth are having a swim party & they will need the van to transport students so I am going to rearrange our schedule.
This Wed. night July 31 will be “Water Wednesday”. We will have devotion & play water games from 6-7.
August 7, We will go to the park in RBC leave church at 5:45, arrive back at 7:00
August 14 Missions lead Katie Smith
August 21 “Game Night” lead by Teresa Coley for all the children except for the ones who are about to move up to youth. This will be their dinner outing replacing Aug 14. Those children need to be at church by 5:30 & will arrive back at 7:00. “Game Night” will be 6-7.
August 28 “We made it thru a week of School Blow Out”. We’ll have a time of devotion and prayer for the school year, celebrate the 1st week and a half of school & send our 6th graders off with a bang.
“Big City Studio” will be back for Wednesday nights in September.
As this summer comes to a close & the new school year begins I wanted to share a few needs in the children’s dept. We have a group of about 5 children who range between 3 ½ -5 yrs. of age who are too old for the nursery but not quiet old enough to understand the lessons in “Big City Studio”. I would like to see them have their own class w/ age appropriate lessons, crafts & active music videos. The church will provide the materials the class needs but only God can provide those who feel lead to teach. We need several dedicated & faithful people to step into this role. I would really like to see 3 people in this class, that way if one person had to be out 2 could still teach & watch the children well. Ashley Fortenberry feels lead to help with this class. Be in prayer for 2 others to come forward & lead this group. I don’t have a lot of experience musically… let me rephrase that I can’t sing a lick, can’t read music, I don’t even know what the chorus part looks like but I try really hard to work w/ the children on a Christmas program. I would love for someone to be on the lookout for a great Christmas play, not too elaborate but with a powerful meaning & then to help me w/ the music part. I would love someone to also help w/ decorating ideas for the play. So if you have a background in these areas please step forward! Lol I am also in need to a USED electric blower for our children’s dept. Be in prayer for the children’s dept. as we move into this school year. I pray that every activity we do brings us a chance to share Jesus with others.
Thank you to those who helped with the Lock In. Great nights are not possible without volunteers. I had many parents who stayed late into the night. Teresa Coley & Amy Martin spent the whole night with me along with 4 youth who were very helpful. We had several visitors from VBS & some children who haven’t had a chance to visit w/ us outside of regular church hours. It was a great night!
Be in prayer for the youth mission trip as they head out next week, Haley McVeigh & her family & many unspoken requests. Randy looks like he is going well & Allison’s mom is too! Thank God for those blessings! I hope you all have a great week!