Thursday, July 16, 2015

VBS Day 2 & 3

It's been a great week so far at GLOW VBS! Day 2 we had 101 children and 99 children for Day 3. Everything is running smoothly so we give all the glory to God for the children and the smoothness! I know our volunteers are probably extremely tired and weary but the finish line is in sight! Draw your strength from God knowing you are making a difference in many children's lives.

I taught day 2 about Jesus walking on water and Him calling Peter out of the boat to the water. Peter was focused on Jesus, his mind was zoned in on him.  He was trusting Jesus and Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water. But soon Peter lost focus on Jesus thinking about the waves and he began to sink. Made me think about us. If we aren't focused on Jesus but focused on everything zooming around us in this world we too sink. Peter cried out for Jesus and He reached out and got Peter. We cry out for Jesus too and He reaches out for us. We need to try so hard to stay focused on Jesus and we can do that by reading our Bible, praying and attending worship with others.

Day 3 was taught by Mrs. Wendy and I know she delivered a great message. Day 3 also brought us Turbo's shaved ice so I want to thank Tommy & Shay Layton for those great treats. Tonight is Deorios pizza! Yum!

If any child does not have a shirt please get with me tonight. Tomorrow night is family night, so the VBS group is looking forward to seeing the children perform and meeting their families. We will be serving spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert in the gym once the show is over. The children will also perform Sunday during the worship hour. Have a great day and I'll see you tonight😀

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