Good morning! It's Trunk or Treat week! I had a nightmare last night that due to the Al and Au games both being shown T or T night that nobody showed up. As soon as I woke up from that horror I started praying.
So let me run thru a few T or T things then I'll get to the kids. Thank you to Derrick, Dakota & Ryan for putting up our signs Sunday. Thank you to Diane for getting our donations together. We have been blessed with lots of donations and as soon as this week is over I'll get a list together so as we shop those places we can thank them for donating.
to WBBC. Thank you to the youth who have
volunteered to work the games and the social committee for getting some people to help in the kitchen. I will be at church Friday night by 6:00 for anyone who wants to come help decorate. We will need some help with heavy items Saturday so if there is some men free to come help move a few items and help with the stage, we will be there by 9:00. Please remember to be at church no later than 5:00 pm Sat night if you are doing a trunk, working a game or working in the kitchen. We need to be set up, eat and be ready to go a little before 6:00. People will arrive early. The T or T will be over at 8:00 and we will clean up quickly. We need to make sure the parking lot and church are clean for service the next morning. This years bake sale money is going towards the youth's Winter Extreme trip so if you can bring any bake sale item that will be great. You can drop it off Friday night if that helps you. I am excited and I hope you are too. I look forward each year to seeing your costumes and trunks. Y'all always do a great job! If you have questions please call me.
Now to the kids. Serving is what we did Sunday in Sunday school and children's church. After the huge turn out at the McBurnett's Sat night, I thought about how this church serves others. I didn't get to stay long Saturday but what I saw was a church who put the needs of others first and served them the way Christians should. Just meeting their needs. So I got to thinking about our kids and do they really get to serve much or learn
about serving. I threw the Sunday lesson out the window (not really but you know what I mean.. I would never litter). So I went into SS and said today you are going to help me prepare for T or T. I explained them as they worked at separating candy, moving items downstairs and assembling goody bags that doing the work they were serving the children who will come to the T or T, and they were serving me. They always have the best hearts and were glad to help. I told them you'll get to the T or T and be able to say I helped with this or that and feel good about helping out. As Christians we can talk all day long about Jesus but many times action is what people need to see. Those actions touch hearts and helps people see that Jesus is
alive and lives in His people. This Wed. night the kids will be in the Kidz Zone. Next Wed. night the youth are going to the judgement house so the kids will be in the gym once they leave. Katie will be leading them and they'll have some Halloween snacks. I will be gone that night. Christmas musical practice will begin Sunday Nov. 2 during Children's church. We will also meet on Sunday
evenings at 4:00 for practice. We will be finished at 5:30. This will be every Sunday except Nov. 23. We only have the month of November so these extra practice times are very important. I would like a few moms each week to bring a snack and drinks to the Sunday evening practice. Let me know if their is a date you can help with. The Christmas musical will be Sunday night,6 pm,
December 7 and the Santa Breakfast will be at 9:00 am December 13. More info on them as we get on into November.
So as we move forward into this week I ask for prayer for the McBurnett's & Lewana, prayers for Candace's mom as she continues to improve,
Sherry Runyan's mom, prayers for a special family trying to adopt, and for prayers for those that come to the Trunk or Treat. I pray we will serve them with love, compassion, and friendliness, that visitors will feel welcome in our mist, conversation will be generated that leads to invites back to church, hungry stomachs will be filled and children and adults will leave our premises knowing that Christians love to love each other. Serving is what this week is about. I hope you have a fabulous week!!
I'm all excited about our T or T as well. This will be my first and I am so fired up, I feel like I'm waiting on Santa. Kristi, I do have written down all of our donors and what they donated, so if we need to send notes or thank you cards, we have the list.