Monday, May 12, 2014

Well somehow my whole page was lost after I typed it so here is the condensed version since I am typing again. Yesterday was great at WBBC! You could really feel God’s presence. I rarely experience the whole service but over the years some of my favorites have been when the people shared.  I think we are blessed to be a in a church that isn’t so rigid and structured that the congregation has the opportunity to say what’s on their hearts.
This Wednesday night the in the “Kidz Zone” we will began wrapping up our lessons from the Big City Studio. School is winding down & June is right around the corner which means “Wacky Wednesdays” are almost here. “Wacky Wednesdays” are more laid back. Instead of a full blown hour lesson we lead short devotions, prayer time and get out of the classroom. I’ll have a schedule of events ready to send home Wednesday night with your child & they’ll be a copy on the bulletin board right outside the Kidz Zone.  Be looking for mission projects, swimming parties, water games. VBS, a lock in (at some point I am going to be too old to do the lock in. Kids are going to hear my knees and back pop & creek if I keep doing these much longer) & just general wackiness. There will be NO FOOD FIGHT. Do not even ask!!!! I’ll never dig tomato seeds out of my ears again! UGH!
I want to remind the parents and children that we are still raising money & food donations for the RMS food mission project.  We need to wrap it up by next Wednesday night so the money can be given to Jenny before school is over. The kids were challenged to bring in $100 & they would get an ice cream party or if the rounded up $200 we would have and ice cream, pizza and movie party.  I have a sneaking suspicion that we will be having both of those parties!
I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to those who volunteered to be a bell ringer (kettle shaker since we can’t ring a bell at the Gadsden Mall) for the Salvation Army.  For our day of service we raised $395.19. This is a tradition I love and our church has been so faithful over the years to really step up and participate. Amy, Shay, Allison... any idea how long we have been doing this?
In closing, I want to ask for prayer for several situations. Pray for the church and that we make God directed decisions. Pray that Joey continues to lead us following God’s plan & guidance.  Pray for the RMS food project.  We want those children to have full stomachs but at the same time feel the love of Jesus through the kind actions of others. This is our chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus and really make a difference for some children in our own back yards.  Pray for Jami & Arlo as they play at White Springs Sunday. I have joked about the drums but I am thankful Jami is playing for Jesus. Pray for our new church members, pray for John & pray for the young lady who so bravely told some of her story, spoke of her troubles and being thankful for her praying mother.  I hope you all have a great week & I hope to see you Wednesday.

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