Good morning! I know I normally blog on Mondays but I am changing to Tuesdays. I feel rushed on Mondays knowing I have many chores to do after a normally full weekend. Thank you all for the prayers for the band. Jami said all went perfectly. Let me just tell you a little story about how God worked Saturday. It takes a while to undo drums, move all band equipment and reassemble at another location. Jami had to work Saturday so he was hoping for an easy day where he could work thru lunch & get to church early to start working on taking his drums apart. He called me around lunch and said the day had been a disaster. He had traveled all morning to areas he rarely has to cover, made it back to his office & was having all kinds of computer issues. He said he felt like the devil was after him all day. He was tired, ill and discouraged. He finally called later than expected and said he had the trailer and was heading to church to start unassembling the drums. Then he yells," the trailer has came lose!" He hangs up. I immediately start praying because I know there probably was a car behind Jami. I am praying nobody is hurt, no car is damaged & the trailer is not damaged. As soon as I say amen, my phone rings and it is my mom. She precedes to tell me that they were with Jami. They had came up on him immediately. No damage, nobody hurt. A family friend came up on him too & they got the trailer back on. He friend ended up following Jami to church. Now you can't tell me that situation didn't have God written all over it. Jami's inlaws & family friend right there immediately, no damage.... That was all God! I just love it when God puts something right in my face and it is obvivious He is with us!!!
I want to remind all the parents of children that we will be having "Dinner with the King" this Wed. night. I hope to see all my kids there. I missed many of my kids in Sunday school this past Sunday. Keep Jumping with Jesus in mind if you have kids kindergarten & younger. It will be March 1, 10-12, in the gym. I plan on inflatables, story time, balloons & a pizza lunch. I also need to remind those going on the Disney trip spring break 2015 that the $100 deposit is due March 2. If that date doesn't work for someone just let me know the date you plan on paying it. Remember this is refundable back to you up until we book the rooms which will be done this summer. Teresa Coley will lead children's church this coming Sunday.
On a final note, we have two new families to welcome to WBBC. Jamey & Alisa Crosson are our new full time youth minister. They have a 2 year old son named Issac & a new baby boy due the beginning of March, to be named Asa. I plainly remember the day we hired a part time YM, now a full time!!! Just crazy good at how God blesses us! Vicky Redden, the lady who blew the roof off the church 2 was ago singing Amazing Grace, and her husband Cliffton joined the WBBC family yesterday. I am sure Randy will be asking Vicky to sing more!!! I am so excited and can't wait to see how God is going to work thru these families. Please remember Tina Patterson's mom and Brandon Patterson's grandmother (no relation), in your prayers. They are both very ill. Also, remember Teresa Coley's mom, Donna. She will be in rehab for her knee replacement for several weeks. I hope y'all have a blessed week!!
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