Good Tuesday to you! This is going to be super short today. I was waiting on blogging until I had a few children's items nailed down. Unfortunately, the business world & Kristi's world are not jiving this week. This my be Gods's way of directing me some where else.
There is a few reminders I need to get out there. Jumping for Jesus will be this Saturday from 10-12. There will be inflatables, balloons, story time & pizza for the little kids K5 and younger. Reach out and invite friends & their children who are not in church.
The $100 deposit for those going to Disney spring 2015 is due March 2. Remember if you can't pay that day that is fine just let me know when works for your family. I have ordered Martin's benefit tickets for those going on the trip. You can sell them for $5.00 each and then
turn that money in to go into your own family's fund. The tickets should be available this weekend. I said I wasn't going to be in charge of any fundraising this time so someone needs to get something going! Lol
The children will meet tomorrow night for Big City Studio from 6-7. I have been missing a few of my kids so I hope everyone can make it tomorrow night.
Notes were sent home Sunday about the mission project I would like the children to participate in. Some of you know that food missions has a been on my heart (reasoning behind mission project for Disney) and we have a local need I think the children's ministry can help with. Rainbow Middle School has a project where they supply food for 11 kids who have little or no food over the weekend. These are specific items because some of these children do not have the means to cook. If you donate to our regular food pantry please continue to do so. I am just praying that you'll feel lead to pick up an extra item or two. These items can be sent in with the kids on Wed.
nights. We will be remembering the hungry in our prayer each Wednesday too. The items needed are Spaghetti O's, Beefaroni, Ravioli, Pop Tarts, individual cereal boxes, granola bars, cereal/breakfast bars, peanut butter/cheese/crackers, individual packaged fruit snacks, juice boxes & individual pack snacks. Even if you can not donate please remember theses middle school students & their families in your prayers.
Please remember Brandon, Holli & Lane Patterson as they lay to rest their grandmother. Remember the Mayos too. From the looks of the newsletter, they have settled in to life in Cameroon. Please remember the Ayres family as the fly out March 6 to bring home John! I know they are excited to get him home & shower him with love. Jamey and Alisa should be having Asa soon. Prayers for a easy, healthy delivery for mom & Asa! I hope you all have a week where you really feel God's presence and that you move and act as He directs!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I Love Seeing God Show Up
Good morning! I know I normally blog on Mondays but I am changing to Tuesdays. I feel rushed on Mondays knowing I have many chores to do after a normally full weekend. Thank you all for the prayers for the band. Jami said all went perfectly. Let me just tell you a little story about how God worked Saturday. It takes a while to undo drums, move all band equipment and reassemble at another location. Jami had to work Saturday so he was hoping for an easy day where he could work thru lunch & get to church early to start working on taking his drums apart. He called me around lunch and said the day had been a disaster. He had traveled all morning to areas he rarely has to cover, made it back to his office & was having all kinds of computer issues. He said he felt like the devil was after him all day. He was tired, ill and discouraged. He finally called later than expected and said he had the trailer and was heading to church to start unassembling the drums. Then he yells," the trailer has came lose!" He hangs up. I immediately start praying because I know there probably was a car behind Jami. I am praying nobody is hurt, no car is damaged & the trailer is not damaged. As soon as I say amen, my phone rings and it is my mom. She precedes to tell me that they were with Jami. They had came up on him immediately. No damage, nobody hurt. A family friend came up on him too & they got the trailer back on. He friend ended up following Jami to church. Now you can't tell me that situation didn't have God written all over it. Jami's inlaws & family friend right there immediately, no damage.... That was all God! I just love it when God puts something right in my face and it is obvivious He is with us!!!
I want to remind all the parents of children that we will be having "Dinner with the King" this Wed. night. I hope to see all my kids there. I missed many of my kids in Sunday school this past Sunday. Keep Jumping with Jesus in mind if you have kids kindergarten & younger. It will be March 1, 10-12, in the gym. I plan on inflatables, story time, balloons & a pizza lunch. I also need to remind those going on the Disney trip spring break 2015 that the $100 deposit is due March 2. If that date doesn't work for someone just let me know the date you plan on paying it. Remember this is refundable back to you up until we book the rooms which will be done this summer. Teresa Coley will lead children's church this coming Sunday.
On a final note, we have two new families to welcome to WBBC. Jamey & Alisa Crosson are our new full time youth minister. They have a 2 year old son named Issac & a new baby boy due the beginning of March, to be named Asa. I plainly remember the day we hired a part time YM, now a full time!!! Just crazy good at how God blesses us! Vicky Redden, the lady who blew the roof off the church 2 was ago singing Amazing Grace, and her husband Cliffton joined the WBBC family yesterday. I am sure Randy will be asking Vicky to sing more!!! I am so excited and can't wait to see how God is going to work thru these families. Please remember Tina Patterson's mom and Brandon Patterson's grandmother (no relation), in your prayers. They are both very ill. Also, remember Teresa Coley's mom, Donna. She will be in rehab for her knee replacement for several weeks. I hope y'all have a blessed week!!
I want to remind all the parents of children that we will be having "Dinner with the King" this Wed. night. I hope to see all my kids there. I missed many of my kids in Sunday school this past Sunday. Keep Jumping with Jesus in mind if you have kids kindergarten & younger. It will be March 1, 10-12, in the gym. I plan on inflatables, story time, balloons & a pizza lunch. I also need to remind those going on the Disney trip spring break 2015 that the $100 deposit is due March 2. If that date doesn't work for someone just let me know the date you plan on paying it. Remember this is refundable back to you up until we book the rooms which will be done this summer. Teresa Coley will lead children's church this coming Sunday.
On a final note, we have two new families to welcome to WBBC. Jamey & Alisa Crosson are our new full time youth minister. They have a 2 year old son named Issac & a new baby boy due the beginning of March, to be named Asa. I plainly remember the day we hired a part time YM, now a full time!!! Just crazy good at how God blesses us! Vicky Redden, the lady who blew the roof off the church 2 was ago singing Amazing Grace, and her husband Cliffton joined the WBBC family yesterday. I am sure Randy will be asking Vicky to sing more!!! I am so excited and can't wait to see how God is going to work thru these families. Please remember Tina Patterson's mom and Brandon Patterson's grandmother (no relation), in your prayers. They are both very ill. Also, remember Teresa Coley's mom, Donna. She will be in rehab for her knee replacement for several weeks. I hope y'all have a blessed week!!
Monday, February 10, 2014
I think i have used this title many times.........STEP OUT
Good Monday morning. It looks like we are in for another round of winter weather. I had my one day of playing in the snow and that is enough for me. SPRING, PLEASE HURRY! I thought yesterday was another great day at WBBC. I started out the morning pumped with 14 children just in my SS class, with 4 of those being visitors. I love to see new faces come thru the doors. It just confirms to me that God is still working & moving in peoples’ lives. It is so funny sometimes how God works things out. The lady who sang Amazing Grace yesterday, Vicky Redden, went to church W/ my family at 1St Baptist SS years ago. So we (mom, Joey & Me) are at Jack’s preschool for Thanksgiving lunch and Vicky is there. Mom strikes up a conversation and invites her to come sing at church or even if she doesn’t want to sing she tells her to just come visit with us. So out of that one invite, God moved and we got an amazing testimony & a roof lifting Amazing Grace. As if that wouldn’t be enough, that one invite brought her 2 daughters and their children to church too. I had 2 of the children in CC. That invite opened the door for me to invite the children back Wednesday night to Dinner with The King and a chance to talk to the mom. I keep telling yall to invite people to church. Just the act of inviting one person to church can affect numerous people. If we do our part and get out and tell people about Jesus, if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone just a little and speak to those we do not know or take time to talk to someone you use to know, God will bless that stepping out. Remember people most likely are not going to just ride down Whorton Bend Rd and say, “Oh look at that little country church. Let’s go in and visit.” So are you stepping out and inviting someone to church? Just something to think on.
It looked like there was a large group of students and parents heading out to Winter Jam yesterday afternoon. Who knows what time Jami came in last night but he did say this morning that he had a great time. I am sure the students did too. I hope someone made some pics of some of the adults acting crazy!!! Thank you Arlo and Jeannie.
Yesterday, during children’s church, we learned about David and Goliath. Goliath was a huge man, standing about 9 ft. tall. He was suited in armor from head to toe. Everyone was scared of him, except for this shepherd boy, David. David had gone to the battlefield to deliver food to his brothers who were fighting in the war. Once there, he learned of Goliath and knew with God on his side he could kill the beast of a man. David was offered armor but refused it. He had no spear, no shield, no helmet, just himself, 5 stones and a sling shot. He used 1 stone and took down Goliath with it. That took lots of courage and a true dependence on God. We are faced with tough situations everyday but God can help us have the courage we need to get thru the tough times. Do you depend on him?
This Wednesday night the children will have Dinner with the King. We will be having chicken, corn & mac & cheese in the gym, from 6-7. Please bring your children. This is going to be a great time for them to learn about the presence of Jesus, as his Spirit will head our table, and we are going to focus on the most appropriate Bible verse for Valentine’s and that would be John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life! This would be a great time to let your child invite a friend! Do not hesitate… this is easy. You call the child’s parent & say,’ My child wanted to invite your child to church this Wed. They have this crazy leader who is planning a dinner for the kids and I think they’ll have fun. Can (insert child’s name) come? I’ll pick him/her up at 5:45. SEE EASY! I scripted it for you! Lol I also need to mention we will not have children’s church Sunday. There is a singing group coming to church & they will lead us in worship for the entire hour. Save the date for Saturday March 1 for Jumping with Jesus. The children from the nursery-kindergarten will have some time just for themselves in the gym playing on inflatables, story time, balloons & lunch. The time is 10-12. This is another great chance to invite a family to church. You’ll have time to chat with each other, start building a relationship which might lead to that family coming back to church for another visit.
To my friend (who shall be nameless) that reads my posts every Monday, I love you and I love the way I have seen God grow you. I thank God for you and for the relationship we have. My prayers are with you!
I hope you all have a week filled with blessings & sharing God’s love!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Missing My Church
Good morning. I think many of you know by now I had to miss church & the mission soup lunch due to Jack being sick. I had to make last minute texts to get SS & children's church covered & last minute info on the lunch relayed. It is a true blessing to know that when uncontrollable things happen our church parents take control & get everything handled. Thank you to everyone who brought food. I heard we had plenty!! Last night I had told Jami I would run to church today & make sure gym cleaned & get the tables back down for Wed. night & he said no need., that y'all cleaned & took tables down. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!Thank you to all those who donated to our cause. We raised about $300. I'll get that to June & she will keep up with that for us & make it seperate from the Disney money we will start collecting for the trip. Remember we need to start making a $100 deposit March 2. So far, we have a good size group planning on going & I am excited. I think this will be a great trip. I do want us to raise more money towards the mission part of the trip but so far we have a good foundation.
I feel like after missing Wed night due to the snow & missing yesterday that I have been gone from church forever! The kids will meet Wed. night for Big City a Studio. We will be doing last weeks lesson. Sunday, Feb. 9, Paula Hopper will help me in children's church. As I said last week, I hope every parent who is on a FB has joined the Whorton Bend Baptist Children's ministry page. I am trying to post blogs I think might help us parents in day to day situations, Bible verses & info on lessons with the hopes that you'll discuss what we discuss at church. I want to encourage you to be involved with you child's Christian walk. I hope you look at me as part of your team because I do want to pray for specific needs or help resolve issues that might affect your child or family. I want to encourage your child to become a Christian & to grow into a stronger Christian. I also want to encourage you to be vocal. Katie sent me a message last week suggesting a spring break activity. We all have different age children, boys & girls, so you might be aware of something new or fun I don't know about. Anyway, speak up! February 12 will be our Valentines banquet. We will be having dinner with the King. I'll give you more info on that next week.
I heard the service was great yesterday with people speaking from their hearts. I believe over the past few weeks there has been several new members join. Yesterday, Jason Keenum joined the WBBC family & 2 weeks ago Diane Robinett & her grandson Skylar joined our family. God continues to bless us with growth and visitors. If we continue to seek God's will and plan for WBBC I am sure God is going to continue to bless us. Y'all keep reaching out and inviting folks. Look for chances God gives you to build relationships with unbelievers. Keep mom in your prayers tomorrow. She is suppose to have a pet scan. Pray her sugar stays down for the test to happen. I believe Haley has a Dr. apt today, so remember them. Pray for the women's ministry. I know they have an event this coming weekend. Pray for Renee Franklin & her family as she lost her Father last week. Pray for the youth minister search committee. We want to be in tune with God & follow His will. Also, let me say that I know this is the "children's blog" but I try to include what I am aware of in the whole church so if there is something that needs to be announced of mentioned that doesn't deal with kids, let me know. We are all the body of Christ & I think it only benefits us to have a place to celebrate our whole church & all the wonderful happenings God has going on at a WBBC. Have a blessed week!!
I feel like after missing Wed night due to the snow & missing yesterday that I have been gone from church forever! The kids will meet Wed. night for Big City a Studio. We will be doing last weeks lesson. Sunday, Feb. 9, Paula Hopper will help me in children's church. As I said last week, I hope every parent who is on a FB has joined the Whorton Bend Baptist Children's ministry page. I am trying to post blogs I think might help us parents in day to day situations, Bible verses & info on lessons with the hopes that you'll discuss what we discuss at church. I want to encourage you to be involved with you child's Christian walk. I hope you look at me as part of your team because I do want to pray for specific needs or help resolve issues that might affect your child or family. I want to encourage your child to become a Christian & to grow into a stronger Christian. I also want to encourage you to be vocal. Katie sent me a message last week suggesting a spring break activity. We all have different age children, boys & girls, so you might be aware of something new or fun I don't know about. Anyway, speak up! February 12 will be our Valentines banquet. We will be having dinner with the King. I'll give you more info on that next week.
I heard the service was great yesterday with people speaking from their hearts. I believe over the past few weeks there has been several new members join. Yesterday, Jason Keenum joined the WBBC family & 2 weeks ago Diane Robinett & her grandson Skylar joined our family. God continues to bless us with growth and visitors. If we continue to seek God's will and plan for WBBC I am sure God is going to continue to bless us. Y'all keep reaching out and inviting folks. Look for chances God gives you to build relationships with unbelievers. Keep mom in your prayers tomorrow. She is suppose to have a pet scan. Pray her sugar stays down for the test to happen. I believe Haley has a Dr. apt today, so remember them. Pray for the women's ministry. I know they have an event this coming weekend. Pray for Renee Franklin & her family as she lost her Father last week. Pray for the youth minister search committee. We want to be in tune with God & follow His will. Also, let me say that I know this is the "children's blog" but I try to include what I am aware of in the whole church so if there is something that needs to be announced of mentioned that doesn't deal with kids, let me know. We are all the body of Christ & I think it only benefits us to have a place to celebrate our whole church & all the wonderful happenings God has going on at a WBBC. Have a blessed week!!
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