Going to make this a quick one today. Remember that Saturday night, June 8, is the hot dog supper and live animal show. The supper will start at 5:00 with the show beginning at 6:00. This is a great opportunity to invite a family to church. I encourage you to step out and do that. If you are shy or just not comfortable asking someone to church, an event is the easiest way to introduce someone to God. Trust me on this one, when I wasn’t bold enough or was too shy it was hard for me to cold turkey walk up to someone & invite them to church but it was so much easier to say we have this going on at church & I bet your kids would love it. You should bring them. If you are on Facebook please post the info. We want to get as many new faces into the church as possible and this is a great chance to focus on young families. We know that young families are under attack by the devil. Please join with me by trying to invite as many people as you know. I need a close count in by Thursday so I know how much food to prepare. Arlo has volunteered to be the “Grill Master”. I have also had a few newbies volunteer to help which is very exciting to me!!! I still need more volunteers. So if you can help serve, sign folks in, clean up the kitchen, blow up balloons & just walk around and welcome visitors let me know. I would love some youth to volunteer. If you can’t physically volunteer, please pray for the helpers, the event & the visitors.
This Wed. night the children will go to the RBC Park. We will load up at 5:45 and be back at church by 7:30. The van only holds 15 passengers, so I will need some parents to volunteer to chauffeur children to the park. Let me know if you can help. Big thank you to those who volunteer in all aspects of the churches’ work. Without volunteers where would we be? I hope you have a great week!!!
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