Summer is personally my favorite time of year, not because of the heat, but because my children are home with me. On the other hand, as a children’s minister or director, (Jami & I laugh at minister because it just seems kind of stuffy for me and I don’t know that I minister, I just love on the children), it is the hardest time of the year. Attendance is sporadic. There is so many summer activities going on and vacations. This is not be trying to be preachy because I get the vacations, we all need some down time, and the most wonderful memories can be made on vacation. I understand the summer activities too. I just want you to know that you are missed when you are not at WBBC. I look through my group of kids and wonder where each child is , or if I know they are gone somewhere I wonder if they are having a good time, if they are winning the game, getting to spend quality time w/ the parents, riding exciting rides or enjoying that special time w/ out of town relatives. I also know that while you are out of church doing those things God can be right there with you. So I encourage you parents while you are vacationing to keep God as the center of your family trip. Pray together when you go out to eat that special meal or have your own devotion on Sunday morning, visit a church where you are vacationing, encourage the kids playing ball to have a Christian attitude towards the other team, pray for your travel safety and have the children hear that pray or while you are sitting on the beach talk about how God made such a beautiful place for us to enjoy. It doesn’t take much to include God and he is the reason we are blessed with these awesome vacations & activities anyway! So know that you are missed, have a great vacation and I’ll be waiting for you when you get back!!!
The children were going to perform a song this Sunday but we are going to be missing a lot of kids Sunday, so I have decided to hold it out a few wks. This Wed. night we will still practice some music because we are going to the assisted living home in Southside on July 10 and we will have devotion. Next Wed. night July 3rd, is the retry for our park trip. July is packed with activities at WBBC. Sunday July 14, the youth will host a lunch fundraiser for the mission trip. They are having BQ sandwiches, chips & drinks for donations. I am sure Arlo can use some volunteers for this. The Monday, July 15, starts a week full of excitement…….VBS. Our theme this year is Savannah Safari. Allison held a meeting yesterday for those who want to help. She had a great turn out but if you would like to help, let her know. There is always something to be done at VBS. There is nothing like a child asking God into their heart, seeing the emotion & excitement in their faces and at VBS you know God is working. Don’t miss out! Get involved! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! And let me also say, this is not some old hum drum VBS. Allison has repeatedly picked out of the box themes that other churches are not doing. She picks exciting, shake your booty music not only do the kids love but the adults love it too. VBS at WBBC rocks!!!! So July 15-19, make no other plans. Supper, yes I said supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:00. So you get 5 evenings of no cooking for your kids (unless you are a kitchen helper lol). 6:00-8:30 is VBS. Then on Sunday July 21, we will have a Free Church wide lunch right after church to end an awesome VBS week. We will be preordering VBS t-shirts so make sure you get your child’s size to Allison & if you are a youth or adult worker she needs your size too. Whew... I think that is it. Keep Randy, Kendra & Brenda Jones in your prayers. Have a great week and remember to keep Jesus in your summer plans!