Monday, April 8, 2013

Feeling Blessed

Today my heart is sadden for Pastor Rick Warren & his family. His son committed suicide over the weekend. When I was working at Bellsouth, now many years ago, and really trying hard to figure out how God wanted to use me at WBBC, I read A Purpose Driven Life written by Rick Warren. That book really helped me focus on what God's calling for me was. I knew if I stayed in bham working & with 2 young boys about to enter school, I would have no time to focus on the children or getting new children to our church. It was a drastic life decision & a huge income loss but God worked it all out. I think alot of times people think being Christians means we have no problems but The Warren family is an example of Christians dealing with earthly problems & hurt. I pray for their peace and comfort during this difficult time in their lives.

Most of you probably don't realize that the devil tried to prevent us from having church yesterday. The power was off at the church yesterday morning. Folks were pondering & scrambling trying to figure out how to handle no power, no air or heat, no lights, no coffee, no sound system, no words on screen but our church was not caving in to "oh we have no power, let's just put a sign on the door and go on home".  The devil knew we were having Sunday morning church w/o power and it came back on just as people started arriving for Sunday school. It was a blessing to be in God's house!

I don't think I can ever express how much I love our church. I sat on the pew w/ my boys, one of their friends & some other youth yesterday. There was children on the pew in front of me. They were all into the music & just a clapping. Really feeling it! I am so thankful we are a church that welcomes children & youth and their participation. On the drive home the boys and their friend discussed religion and why being a Christian was much better than other religions. It gave me that feeling of wow, God really has a hold of them. They have a personal relationship with God. I know the teachers they have had, the Godly influences our church has provided has made a huge impact on their spiritual life. I am so thankful for that. I pray as they continue to mature into an older teen life that they focus on God not this worldly stuff.  I had also asked my Sunday school class which is children 2nd grade thru 5th grade how they knew God was real, had they ever really felt him. They were all able to give me an exact time in their lives when they felt the spirit of God working in them. Isn't that just awesome to know that God cares about the children....that he moves and really works in their hearts and that the children know what that feels like! I just love it!! OK, I know I have rambled a lot.

This Wed. night the kids will have missions with Katie Smith upstairs in the green room. Katie doesn't know I am going to ask for this but please say a special prayer for her & Chris. He is working out of town right now w/ Alabama Power & Katie is handling it all at home by herself. She still wanted to teach missions this Wed. night & I asked her if I should I leave her off the children's church schedule for a little while so her & Chris could just enjoy preaching w/o having to prepare to teach & she said no they would teach. They are serving God even while they are physically stretched thin. Katie...God is going to give you the strength you need! I am thankful to have your family at WBBC.

I hope everyone has a blessed week. Get out an invite someone to church!

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