Monday, October 22, 2012

Blessings Abound

As I went to church yesterday I had feelings of worry about the soup lunch. I wanted this lunch to be put on my the children's dept & I think everyone knows by now that there is so many less kids now since the large group moved up to youth. Well less kids means less parents to cook so I was thinking we might not have enough pots of soup to feed the church family. To my surprise what I had planned in my head had almost been doubled on the table. I also came down from SS & everything had been done. The ladies made sure everything was set to go. I go to preaching & leave as soon as I hear the last amen, making a mad dash to the fellowship hall to make sure we are a go & what do I see but ladies already in there working. Our church is so blessed by people willing to work! I think I say this all the time but I work w/ parents who are willing to do whatever whenever! Such blessings! Then to top it off I thought we made over $300.00 but instead it was over $500.00. $500 to buy coats for needy kids! That is so awesome! My tentative plans are to take the 5th grade girls w/ me the 2nd Sat. in Nov. to buy up all the coats. I can't wait! I also had a pretty full SS class, a chance to pray with a sweet boy and to sit with my brother in church before he preached. We enjoyed making some quiet fun of each other while we were singing! lol  A day full of blessings that only come from the Lord above!

This Wed. night Katie Smith will lead the kids in a mission lesson. Please make sure your kids are there. All missions fields are important when it comes to sharing the Word of God and showing Christian love whether it be overseas or work we do right in our on community and I want our kids to be learning all about that!

Saturday night is Trunk or Treat. Remember if you are doing a car, game, inflatable or working in the kitchen you need to be at church by 4:00. We need to be set up & ready to eat at 4:30, done by 5:30 so we are ready to welcome visitors at 6:00. There will plenty to do Friday night at the church so I would love anyones help. Don't forget to bring bake sale items. You can start dropping them off Fri. night. All proceeds from the bake sale will go towards the youths' Winter Extreme trip. I am going to ask that you specifically pray for Trunk or Treat. Pray that God brings us people who are in need of a church home & people who are lost. Pray that God places the right person in those peoples path that is not afraid to strike up a conversation and find out what that person needs. Pray for kindness & love to be on all our minds & hearts as we welcome in the community. Pray that our Christian light shines thru. Pray for good weather and for each family that we know God is going to send us Sat. night. I know I ramble & go on way to long but yall know how I am by now. Have a great week and enjoy each & every moment!

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