I was thinking about baby dedication yesterday & how as parents it is out place to train our children up in the way of the Lord. I also watched Courageous last night & it really reinforces that theme. The movie talks about Father's stepping up and leading their families & providing a Godly home, not being just a good enough Dad. During Sunday school yesterday I told my kids of a quote I had heard and it was "Preach the gospel at all times....when necessary use words." I explained to them that really means people should see you are a Christian by your actions, they should see the love of God in everything we do. If people see that love, there is really no need to use words. As a parent, I hope my kids see Christ in my actions. I know I have lot work to do in that area but I don't want to be just a good enough Mom.
March is almost here & it will be a busy month so here are the reminders about what is happening at WBBC for the kids:
This Wed night Feb. 29 the 5th grade boys will load the van at 5:45 to go to the mall food court. Be back by 7. Bring $10 to eat. I was planning on going w/ the boys but Jami will more than likely be the chaperon & I'll stay at church to teach the other children.
Friday night March 2: LOCK IN. Arrive at 7 & pick up at 7 am. A lite breakfast will be served before pu. For those who have no idea what will go on at the Lock in... it is all fun! We will eat pizza, play crazy games ( and i mean like really crazy games), have a scavenger hunt, a short lesson in the crazy lab, crafts, dance off, snacks & movies. Kids need to bring a sleeping bag or cover, a pillow and a change of clothes. Parents please walk your kids into the sanctuary to sign your child in. We will go over rules there before we go eat. I have also had parents ask if they need to stay. If you have a little child yes. I also need parents to just volunteer to stay and help. There will be parents needed to help in the kitchen, to clean up and possibly be helpers on games and crafts. Even if you can't spend the night if you could stay a few hours it would be a huge help. If you chose to stay all night & I hope you do feel free to bring an air mattress to sleep on. Don't miss out on this night because you are afraid you will not get to sleep.... you will sleep and these are memories you will never forget with your children and your church family!
March 16 Friday Night Flag Football in the gym 7-9 pm
March 23 Family Movie Night in the gym 7 pm, movie to be announced. Free concessions
Spring Break also kicks off that night and I had a request for a Noccalula Falls trip that week. So either Monday or Tuesday of that week we will go up there, let the kids play & have lunch. Let's just wait & see how the weather is when it gets closer. Also that Wed night will be WACKY WEDNESDAY during children's church.....who knows what we will do!
March 29-31 Smokies trip
I know April seems far off but I am looking at April 7th for the Easter Egg Hunt
Continue to pray for our Youth Minister search. If you have any questions please call me 256-442-0120 or 256-393-1063. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE LOCK IN!
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