Can you believe it is Thanksgiving week? This year has flown by. Thank you to all who were able to bring your children to practice yesterday and a huge thank you to the parents who stayed with Ashley. I enjoyed my time with my family & didn’t have to worry about anything at church. I am thankful God brought Ashley to us and that she knows about music. Hark, The Herald Angel would be a mess without her! Yall have heard me complain about how Jack is a much different child that the twins & how I have struggled with him just to get a car ride prayer in, but yesterday I felt like after all these weeks of constant correcting & pushing the way we act when we pray, we finally reached success. Bruce Carr was praying before we ate yesterday at my parents & Jack was silent the entire time!! Not a peep was made! YEAH!
Hark is coming together & I am getting very excited. The kids just need to keep on working on the songs & those with lines & solos need to memorize them. They are doing a great job. Costumes were passed out yesterday morning. See me Wednesday if you did not get your child’s. Remember we have practice Wed. from 10-12. I know everyone cannot make it but please try. We have very few practices left. Next Sunday we will practice during the full preaching hour again & I had said we would practice that Sunday afternoon 3-5, but we have many kids who have a football/cheerleading banquet that day so I am going to push practice up until 4-6. After this upcoming Sunday’s practice all we have left is Wed. Dec 4 (we will practice in the sanctuary) preaching will be in the fellowship hall & then Friday Dec. 6 is the dress rehearsal, 6-8. Props & decorations are coming together. The manger arrived & I have to figure out the instructions to assemble it (CRAZY WEIRD EXTREMELY DETAILED instruction s for a CARDBOARD MANGER!!!!), he halos are here & we will pass them out before the show. Catherine sent me the scroll picture last night & materials for sashes have been purchased. Thank you Catherine! Tom Coley built our street sign. It is perfect! Thank you Tom! I am delivering it today to Wendy & she will paint it. Thank you Wendy! I need a music director’s stand, one of those black ones that can be painted gold. Anyone got one of those? Snacks are going well for practices. Thank you Ackers for providing those yesterday. I can’t think of anything else. If yall do post it on FB so people can see it. Remember Dec. 14 is Santa breakfast. Tickets will be ready Dec. 1.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week with your families, enjoy the kids being home for a few days, maybe some shopping & of course IRON BOWL SATURDAY!! I know everyone really focuses on the rushing to get this and that done, making sure the house is perfect, the decorations are perfect & that we buy the perfect gifts but try to take time this Thanksgiving & Christmas and remember that we are just so blessed just to have Jesus. Take some time and focus on him. Take some time to make sure your children know about him. Take the time to enjoy your families. I look forward to seeing yall Wednesday!