Monday, July 30, 2012

Let's Keep It Going

This past week was such an awesome week at WBBC! I think all I am going to say is that I needed the excitement and energy that God provided thru the kids at VBS & yesterday, I needed to see the courage they had as they got saved. They inspired me to work harder for God and I hope they did you too! I hope they gave you encouragement & hope in knowing that God moves in a mighty way & that He ALWAYS has a plan and a purpose. The revival has begun so let's keep it going!

This Wed. night lets come into church at about 5:15 & eat the beans, mac & cheese, pot salad we had left over & I'll go pick up some fried chicken. I just ask someone wash the containers because I'll need to get to the kids. The kids are having OMC ( organized mass chaos) plus ice cream for raising so much money for missions. Instead of $340 that was announced in church yesterday , we received another 100 so $440.00 for missions!! AWESOME!!!!I'll take a pie w/ syrup in the face anytime for that!! If you know any of the kids who were at VBS please try to contact them and invite them back to church & I'll do the same. Hope everyone has a blessed week. Keep Randy in your prayers, my mom, who is having trouble breathing & bp high, Joey is still sick & jack woke up w/ a fever. Hope you have a Spirit filled week!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

VBS Day 5

This was the most wonderful week. I think I said last week that VBS week is my most favorite week of the yr and this week more than lived up to my expectations.  I really went into the week thinking 50 kids coming would be great but God just floored us all and showed out bringing in 80 kids on our highest night. Even w/ all the rain last night & people taking Friday off to go out of town I bet we still had between 60 & 70 kids. I never heard a def amount. I know we say numbers aren't important but really they are to me! We had 80 kids come into our church to hear about Jesus. Now some of them might already know Jesus but how many of them didn't??? Whether saved or not this past week there was 80 kids who either had Jesus reinforced in their lives or had the seed of Jesus planted. So numbers do matter because we want the most kids possible so the seed can be planted. If the seed gets planted I believe God handles the rest. Of course, the most important part of VBS is seeing children saved & God showed up & touched hearts this week! We had 7 children ask Jesus into their sweet hearts!! The planning Allison did, the exhaustion every worker felt, the time given up & the money spent was so worth those souls claiming Jesus as their own saviour! If you are reading this & your child came to WBBC this week, I hope you know that if you do not have a home church, we would love to have you and your child visit us anytime. August is still packed full of kids activities & September will be the kick off of our new Wed. night kids program called " Big City Studio". Kids meet every Wed. night from 6-7.

I also thought this week would be bittersweet for me as I have thought all summer about how this is my last VBS where my twins are still in the kids dept. I know this is no big deal for some moms but my boys have been w/ me from the very moment we started a kids program at WBBC. They were the 1st 2! Every VBS, every Wed. night, every special event planned  & for the past few yrs every Sunday school class they have been right there w/ me and I knew this week was the last big event we would share together. They will leave my Wed. night kids & my Sunday school class in September as they become "YOUTH". Somewhere along the way, God changed my feelings and I am looking forward as they enter the youth dept w/ great excitement! They loved  this VBS & even made comments that reassured me of their faith & that they do recognize God speaking to them. I can release them to the "youth dept" knowing that God is in their hearts & that He will be with them & work thru them as youth even though Momma will not be. ( i told yall a few post back i was crazy)

Sunday we ask that any children who can come back to church & perform the VBS music during the service. Immediately following the service we will have lunch & would love to have you stay and eat with us.  Here is a list of the August activities. I know it looks like all fun but we include Jesus in the fun stuff!

August 1    Organized Mass Chaos w/ an ice cream party since the kids raised so much money for missions
August 8    Missions lesson
August 15  Food Fight
August 22  Game Night
August  29 Farewell to our 5th graders

 Family Movie Night August 10th  featuring " Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs" FREE CONCESSIONS from 6:30 -6:55 & movie will start at 7:00

Friday, July 27, 2012

VBS Day 4

Gonna make it short & sweet and save all my thoughts for tomorrow. Another child saved at VBS. In the words of my 3 yr old "THANKS GOD!"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

VBS Day 3

I have a secret to share. After a few months into this yr I told one of my friends that I had a goal of 75 kids in the church. I even made my blog password GOAL 75 ( don't worry I changed it a while ago). Well summer time is a killer in attendance at church, so many people traveling or just resting at home that I did away w/ that goal & was just happy to be close to maintaining attendance. God remembered that goal & brought 80 kids into church last night. This had absolutely nothing to do w/ me just God proving again the "not dream big enough" side of me that He can do anything. We had 2 children saved last night and that is the most important part. What was so neat to me was that I saw several kids in my group really asking questions about God and I think they are seriously dealing w/ God talking to their little hearts. I know God has not finished working this week! I am so thankful for that. I also witnessed WBBC's 1st praise band on stage. I have been avoiding Jami getting a drum set at home for yrs, knowing I would absolutely go crazy if I had to hear beating all the time but God has plans & looks like drums are included ( Thanks Arlo)! Thankfully God provided a practice spot at church! Seriously if you have talents you should use them for God & I am proud of  Mollie, Jami & Arlo for doing that! I meant what I said yesterday about maybe a kids revival happening. In the book of 1Timothy 4:12 the Bible tells us "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." I just wonder how many people these kids who are being saved & who are learning about Jesus are going to affect. Are they going to set an example that makes us adults say wait a minute..if kids can do this so can I. Are they going home to mom & dad asking questions, making parents think about their own salvation, are they telling their friends who Jesus is? God uses children to bring people to him. I have seen it in my own life. I am very excited to see how God takes these kids and uses them to influence others. I know this is a bunch of ramblings. Continue to pray for our workers. Our kitchen workers are at church way before the rest of us & I saw some still there when I left last night at after 9. They are serving lots of food & snacks & that requires alot of cleaning too. Pray for our teachers & leaders that they can see when a child is really questioning his salvation & give them the words to answer the questions. Pray for these kids who are witnessing to others, pray that whoever they tell about Jesus will have their hearts open to hear the message. Last thing, I think!! I am so happy to be a member of a church that focuses so strongly on children being in God's house. Jack is only 3, but he has been to 2 VBS were he has been taught about Jesus. Last night he shook his booty just like a big kid & I love how we welcome all ages of kids. He had a blast & he loves to go to church!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

VBS Day 2

Well I am pretty sure by Friday night I will pass out from emotional exhaustion. I am overwhelmed by God's blessings so I was up extra early this morning w/ tears already in my eyes. Last night at VBS God showed out again & brought us 70 fabulous children. YEP YOU READ THAT RIGHT....70! 70 excited, pumped up blessings! My group of  K-2nd graders are just so much fun. I have received so many hugs in 2 days and I know they are having fun. Last night I got the most special blessing that a person who works w/ children ever receives. I had the pleasure of praying over a sweet child as she accepted Jesus into her heart. (tears flowing right now) I am so thankful to God that He chose me to work w/ kids. I don't know why He did because I just don't deserve any of these blessings but He did and I just have to praise Him for that. I am no where near any kind of Bible scholar, don't know a whole lot of verses, I don't do good at being a bold witness & I am pretty sure if Jenny Clough ever reads this she is cringing at my lack of writing skills but I do know that if you can plant that little seed of Jesus in a heart, God will handle the rest. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. So I believe that as a parent & as a childrens' worker, that if I have them in church learning about Jesus, God will handle the rest and even as they grow older & might get away from Jesus that seed is planted & eventually they will turn back to Jesus!
I am also so blessed w/ adults in my life who share this same excitement about kids. It is so encouraging to work at VBS & know that the other teachers are as excited to see 70 kids as I am. Last night Jami & Joey  were out of church because they play church softball. I was so excited to call Joey & Jami to tell them the news of this child's salvation but the news had already made it to the ball field. Grown men, excited about a child being saved & 70 kids at VBS. I am blessed girl to have 3 Godly men in my life, my Daddy, my husband & my brother. I know  I am rambling but I can't keep myself focused. I told Joshua & Judson about this child getting saved & one of them said, "this is a good night"! So tonight, I am expecting another "good night". God is moving & the results are amazing. If you have been praying for VBS, please continue to do so. God hears our prayers. Don't just pray for our VBS but VBS all over because we want as many kids to come to know Jesus as possible. Pray for these parents who are probably tired from working all day & would rather order pizza & collapse on the couch but instead do what is right & bring their child to VBS, continue to pray for our workers who are really working hard feeding 70 kids, pray for our teachers & youth, but most importantly pray for theses kids hearts that when they feel the call of God they have the courage to respond. I read something about how to have a revival in your children's dept and I feel that revival happening now.

I also want to give out a big thank you Lord because my mother has been having unbearable pain in her knee. She has been to the doctor so many times this month & honestly has been loaded up on pain killers & nothing has worked. After having cancer 2 times she was afraid it was bone cancer & went to another Dr yesterday. Praise God, Praise God, Praise God it was not cancer but just a muscle problem.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Let me just say that God showed up & showed out! We have never had more than 50 kids at VBS but last night we had at least 65 kids! With the youth, who do a fabulous job w the music, leading groups, helping w games & and all our adult workers I bet we had over 90 people in the church last night. Everything went so smooth. The ladies in the kitchen served food like they were in a military mess hall, fast & efficient. God really had his hand on WBBC last night. I had 21 k -2nd graders in my group & they were so much fun! I even received a huge hug from one sweet boy. I can't wait to see them all tonight! As I was pulling out of the parking lot last night Judson made a statement that really just sums it all up. He said," Momma, I know God is always in our church, but I could really feel Him tonight. When we were dancing & singing He was there." So of course I have tears in my eyes now! I am thinking wow my 12 yr old REALLY understands feeling Gods spirit and I am also thinking how God is awesome, mighty & powerful because again he took a small church where doors were ready to close & He filled it up w lots of kids, youth & adults and gave us a night of unbelievable joy! Praise God for the way he works, shows up & shows out! Thank you Lord for an amazing 1st night!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sometimes It is the Small Things

Well my original post was about the small blessings but I hit a button & lost it all & I don't have time to do it all again. So let me just say I have had lots of small, unexpected blessings today. One came from a lady I just met. She told me how people tried to get her to have an abortion & now that same son is 18 & serving God in the music ministry! God always has a plan & a purpose and that was a blessing to hear! Another blessing came in the form of a simple text. It said, "I have been praying for yall for tonight hope you have a great time." That just makes me want to cry with happiness to know that someone specifically took the time to pray for VBS.  Then I got another text w/ the person saying how excited they were for tonight & they could not get anything done at work because of that excitement. I know people think I am crazy, I don't care, truth is I probably am, but when I see excitement for serving God thru kids it just makes my insides giggle!! Another blessing was just looking at Jacks sweet face. His brothers had him making a crazy face and it just made me smile. I am so guilty of not slowing down & taking in the little blessings  but today I am so thankful that I did. Please pray for VBS! I hope to see you and your kids tonight! Oh and by the way.... I might end up posting everyday since this is a special week. I am expecting God to work in mighty ways & I don't think I can keep any of that to myself until next Monday. Have a blessed Monday! Kristi

Sunday, July 15, 2012

So Much To Say About VBS

Today, God blessed WBBC w/ a sanctuary full of people, so many visitors, awesome music & another great message! I just can't stress enough how God has really changed our church. VBS has really been on my mind & that fits right in w/ how God has changed our church. I remember just about 10 yrs ago when VBS was a half day event w/ maybe 5 kids. Boy have times changed! Fast forward 10 yrs and now I am looking at the twins last VBS as kids before they take the leap into the youth dept. VBS is so important in a life of a child. VBS might be the only time a kid comes to visit a church. Last yr the boys had a close friend saved at VBS & back in 1st grade they invited a friend to VBS & he has been at church ever since! I will never forget VBS 3 yrs ago. I was due w/ Jack and had to take it easy due to health concerns so I could not work at VBS. I was devastated not to be apart of my favorite week at church. Church softball was also going on so Jami & Joey were there. The twins came home & Judson said you know I think I am ready to be saved. I called Joey at the ball field because I wanted him to talk w/ Judson & make sure he knew what he was asking. About 10:00 that night I sat in my rocker w/ my boys, Jami & Joey all on bended knees, all holding hands, all praying, as my brother lead Judson to salvation! Joshua wasn't ready at that point to be saved & that was fine. I wanted each child to find God on his  own and to make such a life changing decision on his own. Joey left. I could tell Joshua just wasn't himself. After about 30 minutes he asked could he please go see Joey, he knew he too was suppose to be saved. Since it was so late & Jami had been called out to work he rushed Joshua to Joey's. I got there a few minutes later & Joey had discussed this decision w/ Joshua. Again, I got to experience another son asking Jesus into his heart.  Next to my own salvation......nothing will ever compare to what I witnessed & felt that night. I really feel like VBS had so much to do w/ that night. I know Jesus was taught & worshipped & my children experienced Jesus at VBS. I am so thankful to the different VBS directors we have had over the yrs, all the workers & a church with a heart dedicated to teaching children about Jesus. From  a half day VBS w/ 5 kids to a full week, lasting 3 hrs each night w/ many kids I have seen God continually work and bless us! All I can really say is what I have seen and experienced has been amazing! So this yr is bitter sweet for me, as the twins say goodbye to the last VBS as kids, I get to look forward to Jack experiencing Jesus at VBS. I look forward w/ great anticipation the day he is saved and welcomes Jesus into his heart. VBS starts at WBBC July 23 - 27. Each night we will serve the children supper starting at 5:30. VBS will be from 6-8:30. Allison Williams has a great VBS planned & the theme is Jesus Olympics. Please pray that children will have their lives changed that week, pray that a seed is planted in their young hearts & God will just grow in them. Pray for Allison & every worker. Bring you child to VBS. Their life just might be changed that week! Praises to God for what He has done & what He is going to do!

Since I had so much to say about VBS all I will say about the kids this week is that we have a swimming party at both Fortenberry homes. Bring a towel. Girls w/ 2 pieces need to wear a t shirt. We will split up by grades to go to each home & I'll post that before Wed. party will be from 6- 7:30.

I would love to see some posts, comments, memories about your own VBS experiences!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Straddling the Fence

Sometimes I take my message here from Joey's message on Sunday. Sometimes things he says sticks w/ me.......DON"T TELL HIM THAT! Today's post is simple. R U straddling the fence? When I was a kid we had this field that had old fencing around it, not barbed wire & not like  regular chain link fence really old, rusty prob from the 1800's fencing. Depending on what we were getting into I might have to climb the fence. I could always climb up but positioning my body over the fence to climb down was always hard so I would end up straddling the fence trying to decide to go backwards or just go on over. Straddling the fences reminds me of relationships w/ God. The Bible tells us in Revelations 3:15-16 I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue thee out of my mouth. I think that means God really wants us to be all for Him or not for Him. So are you lukewarm? Are you half way in w/ God? What do your actions show? Do you occasionally go to  church? Read your Bible here and there, witness every once in a while, pray only when you need something? I think we have all been in these spots at some point in our lives. The great thing about God is He is right there just waiting on you to get back to Him. If you are lukewarm focus on drawing closer back to God. Take a moment and just pray, ask God to give you the strength to push the worldly problems & desires away so you can focus on getting closer to Him. Make a real effort to read your Bible. Get up and go to church Wed. or Sunday, any church! Focus on God and before you know it you'll be back on fire for the Lord! So let's stop straddling the fence and chose a side! HOT OR COLD?????

It was awesome again to see a full church yesterday. We had lots of visitors and that is always so exciting for me. In the children's church schedule we have several new parents who have stepped up to teach on Sundays. This is such a blessing! BIG THANK YOU to all of you who do volunteer to teach! I know Allison can still use volunteers for VBS so if you are interested let her know. Also, I wanted to ask for prayer. I know so many church memebers who have been sick lately. I know of several ladies not in my church but family friends who are fighting breast cancer, my mom has been sick too( Just seems like it is always something w/ her now)  so please just take a moment and lift them up in prayer. Pray for these peoples families. Pray for my family. Thank you in advance for the prayers and have a blessed, getting closer to God, on fire week!

July 11     Teresa Coley will teach missions
July 18     Swimming party at both Fortenberry homes
July 25     VBS
Aug 1       Organized Mass Chaos
Aug 4        "An Evening in the Park" Canceled

Aug 8        Missions
Aug 10      Movie night " Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"
Aug 15      FOOD FIGHT

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lots To Say

I was very moved yesterday at church. Starting the service with Baptism is always a wonderful sight. It was a blessing to see a wonderful, sweet, God loving young woman baptized and very emotional to see Joey baptize one of his closest friends. Lots of people were back who have been out a while & that is always encouraging. During the invitation Joey spoke about how as a society we like to let someone else go 1st then we will follow & that is so true. I remember being a teen and being such a follower, never a leader. Yesterday we had a youth show that he heard God, and responded by being the 1st one out of the pew. He turned his life over to God! It was such a blessing watching his family pray beside him. I remember the joy and excitement I felt the moment my twins were saved & I look forward to the day that Jack makes that glorious decision.

After I left church, Noah's decision to be saved really stuck with me. He set an example for others yesterday. He showed younger kids, youth & adults that when God calls you need to respond. So now I need to talk about setting examples. I hear people say all the time, I want this family member in church, or I want my child reading his Bible more. These are just some examples but how can we expect anyone to follow and do what we pray for if we are not willing to do the same? If you want your spouse or family member in church, shouldn't you set the example & be in church? If you want your child to have a desire to read the bible, shouldn't the child see you read the bible?  I mean being really faithful, not just here and there when it is convenient for us. How can I expect my boys to grow up and serve in a church if I don't serve the church? How can I expect them to have a heart for the needy if I don't have that heart?  How can I expect them to go out and tell others about God if I don't go out and tell others about God? As usual I fail on this in so many ways and don't set the example! Are you setting the example you need to set for those loved ones in your life?  Do you walk the walk or is it all just talk?

I really can't remember all Joey preached on yesterday but the words that spoke out to me was about us being a people who call on God when things are bad. When things are going good, we are on top of the mountain & we have it all under control but as soon as something goes wrong we are trying to get to God as quick as we can. I have done this many times and need to focus on praising God & thanking Him all the time, staying close to Him all the time, not just in times of need.

I know all of this seems random but sometimes that is just how I am! I told Jami last night it was so great to walk out to the gym & see so many people offering help for VBS to Allison. I know she'll still need more volunteers but it was great to see all ages, new church members, old church members & regular attendees all out there ready to help! Like Allison said" If you have never helped w/ VBS, you have missed a blessing" Pray about it & if you feel lead to help let her know. It is absolutely the best week during the church year. It is exhausting but the most fun! you cam also help by praying for Allison, the workers & the children who will be in our church.

Remember Wed. night July 4th we will not meet. I did have several kids tell me they wish we had church that night & that makes me smile! I love their faithfulness & dedication to the  Lord & His church! Sometimes it is kids who set the example!

July 11     Teresa Coley will teach missions
July 18     Swimming party at both Fortenberry homes
July 25     VBS
Aug 1       Organized Mass Chaos
Aug 4        "An Evening in the Park" 6:00-8:00
Aug 8        Missions
Aug 10      Movie night " Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"
Aug 15      FOOD FIGHT

Meeting right after church this coming Sunday if you would like to help w/ "An Evening in the Park". This will be a community outreach for our church. Congratulations to the 7 yr old Allstars for winning the state title!! Way to go Dru & Drew! Pray for our other players still traveling & I believe still winning! One last thing.. the mission center is in need of cookies for summer work w/ kids. I'll be collecting those Sunday & next Wed. Thanks and have a wonderful 4th! Remember the fireworks on earth will never compare to the wonders that await us in heaven! PTL!!